The Anti- Pornography bill signed into law

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 18 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Ethics and integrity minister Fr Simon Lokodo announced at the government Media Centre on Tuesday that the President has assented to the Anti-pornography Bill 2011 on February 6, 2014.
The law prescribes various penalties for publishers, broadcasters and internet café operators.
The law caused public excitement when it tried to determine the length of the dress for work and it was quickly dubbed the mini-skirt bill.
“This Bill will be operational within a matter of days, I have already prepared my statement for the Statory instrument and have consulted with the Solicitor general to help me with the proper legal drafting, it will be returned soon and I will just append my signature.” Said Fr. Lokodo.
“The police are already equipped with the parameters for determining those who offend the law; and these are already clear, the way in which one talks, dresses or walks which is deemed provocative or likely to cause sexual excitement.” He added, “Anything that provokes, stirs or creates unnecessary sensitivity..” he added.
Judul: The Anti- Pornography bill signed into law
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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