Appeal against life imprisonment shelved

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 12 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Dar es Salaam. The High Court postponed to February 19 the hearing of an appeal filed by Arusha resident Kibute Otienyi after the Prison Department failed to bring the appellant to court.
In the appeal, Kibute is challenging a life imprisonment sentence imposed on him by the High Court for defiling an eleven year-old child in 2008.
The matter was set for hearing yesterday before a panel of five judges comprising Chief Justice Chande Othman Chande, Engela Kileo, Kipenka Mussa, Bathuel Mmila and Ibrahim Juma.
The appellant’s advocate Majura Magafu, asked the court to adjourn the case because the Prison Department had failed to bring his client to court.
Judul: Appeal against life imprisonment shelved
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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