Jay Dee, husband refute divorce reports

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 12 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Dar es Salaam. Bongo flava diva Lady Jay Dee and her husband Gardner G. Habash have vehemently refuted reports that the musician is seeking a divorce.
Speaking to Drive Hot News on Sunday, Mr Habash, who is also Jay Dee’s manager, said reports on the social media and some newspapers should be treated as mere speculation and unfounded.
“This is untrue…these are mere speculations, and should be treated as such,” noted Mr Habash.
The social media was abuzz last week with stories claiming that the talented musician and owner of the famous Nyumbani Lounge was seeking divorce after learning that her husband had secured a deal with a Kenyan radio station.
Judul: Jay Dee, husband refute divorce reports
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