Journalist opposed wife's travel to Ghana, court told

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 11 Februari 2014 0 komentar
A journalist who is charged with killing his wife did not want her travel to Ghana, a trial court heard on Tuesday.
Moses Dola, who has denied involvement in the murder of former NTV news reporter, Wambui Kabiru, did not want her to travel on official duty, her brother said.
“My sister was supposed to go to Ghana. He said she should not go and my mother intervened telling him to let her go,” Mr Joseph Kabiru told the court.
He said he had known the suspect for some time having lived with them in Nairobi for over a month before moving out.
On the fateful day, Mr Kabiru said Dola knocked on his door at around 8am, and asked him if they could have a drink. “He told me he had quarrelled with my sister and she had left.”
The witness said they went to a bar but a few minutes later, his mother called asking if everything was fine at his sister's house.
He said he handed Dola the phone and heard heard him reassure the mother that all was well.
“I had to leave as I had another engagement in Langata…I left him at a nearby bus stop.
“While in Langata at around 6pm, I received a phone call from my father who told me that my sister had been killed. I left to go and find out what had happened.”
According to the witness, Dola’s temperament changed after he lost his job and “he would spend the whole day playing video games in the house while she (Ms Kabiru) went to work.”
Judul: Journalist opposed wife's travel to Ghana, court told
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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