Report: At least 74 dead in twin Nigeria attack,double click and read more on Drive Hot News

Posted by Unknown Senin, 27 Januari 2014 0 komentar
At least 74 people have been killed and scores others injured in two separate attacks in North eastern Nigeria.
22 people were killed in an attack on a church In Waga Chakaa village in Adamawa state while 52 others were killed in a market in a busy market place on Sunday.
Both attacks have been blamed on Boko Haram.
Gunmen suspected to belong to Boko Haram militia group, opened fire in a church and set off bombs in a busy church service killing 22 people in a siege that lasted four hours.
In the second attack, militants who were about 50, planted explosives around Kawuri Village market in Borno State and set them off at closing time which is usually the busiest time.
They also set houses in the village ablaze. Witnesses say that villagers trying to flee the burning houses were shot dead.
Police in the war torn state put the figures of the dead in the latter attack at 45 with 26 injured but warn that the toll could rise as they continue to scour the village for more bodies.
North eastern Nigeria has been in a state of emergency since may last year as the army as the army was deployed to quell the insurgency.
Judul: Report: At least 74 dead in twin Nigeria attack,double click and read more on Drive Hot News
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