Bees Sting Man To Death

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014 0 komentar

An elderly man has passed on at Bwera hospital in Kasese district after being stung by bees which attacked his home on Friday afternoon.
Dr Timothy Muke, a senior clinical officer at the hospital, says that Phillip Kasungu, 85, was admitted while in comma at about 4pm on Friday.
Dr. Muke says the victim’s body was swollen due to multiple stinging. His throat had also been blocked and he had difficulties breathing.
The doctor adds that emergency treatment with Intravenous fluids was administered on the victim to stop the shock but in vain.
Kasungu, a peasant farmer from Kabaghole village in Nyakiyumbu sub-county was pronounced dead at 9:30pm on Friday.
A family member, Samuel Kambere Kathutha, says the elderly man was attacked by the bees when he wanted to transfer his goats to another grazing area in the afternoon.
Two goats were also stung to death.
At the time of filing this story, Kathutha said the family was preparing for burial of Kasungu
Judul: Bees Sting Man To Death
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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