Man abandons family over conjugal rights

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 01 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Singida. Mr Hamisi Ntandu, a Mgori Primary School teacher in Singida Region, has told the Utemini Primary Court that he was forced to abandon his family after his wife started denying him conjugal rights.
Mr Ntandu revealed the details on Friday before the court when he was responding to divorce claims filed by his wife, Ms Elidaima Gerson.
Ms Gerson, a clerk at Murigha Secondary School, filed for divorce at the court, asking the court to order her husband to take care of their three children.
Ms Gerson alleged that her husband converted from Christianity, the religion in which they made their marriage vows, to Islam and married another woman, saying he came back to her after six months demanding conjugal rights, which she denied him.
In his ruling, the Utemini Primary Court magistrate, Mr Ferdinard Njau, said when one of the couple converts to religion which he/she was not a believer by the time of their marriage, then the marriage becomes automatically null and void.
He urged Mr Ntandu to convert to his earlier religion if he wants to retain his marriage status while cautioning the couple to go for medical checkup before re-uniting.
Judul: Man abandons family over conjugal rights
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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