Gossip:King Lawrence Holds Juliana At ‘Ransom’

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 01 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Celebrated diva Juliana Kanyomozi has been held at ransom by her now lover King Lawrence

Juliana and King Lawrence 
Juliana and King Lawrence

Sources intimated that Lawrence has assured the Nabikoowa singer that he would release a video which he secretly recorded if she dared to dump him.
“She is really scared that he actually has a video of them having sex. It’s what is holding her back,” a close pal revealed.
This revelation comes after Juliana blasted the South African based showy fella when he posted a pair of what he claimed they were the singers green knickers and used condoms, before assuring the whole world that they were in a hotel room at Serena.
The song bird reacted with fury on her social network page Facebook that;
“Can you imagine he even posted all our pictures together on Facebook?”
Judul: Gossip:King Lawrence Holds Juliana At ‘Ransom’
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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