Wow, thanks ticketmaster.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 09 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Very long story short, when I went to purchase flight of the conchords tickets, right when they went on sale, they seemed to be selling the back row first. I bought some tickets in row 58 but later on, got front row. I had an extra set of tickets on my hands, which I thought I would have to sell. I complained to ticketmaster on principle, knowing their return policy and yet they refunded my money. Right on ticketmaster!

Friday night was ~so~ fun. It almost didn't happen though.

HUGE line outside. We (4 derby girls and 2 boys) waited in line, hoping to get some of us in on our guest list. Waited for a long time in the cold. As we were literally 10 people from the door - SOLD OUT. Ack! We went in to see if there were any seats left on our guest list. Nope - all 15 taken. The girl took pity and said "just the two of you? go ahead" and we were all like "um, no, there is 6 of us." A bit of an eye roll and she told us to go in. Woohoo! Free admission after being sold out.

Our secondary team lost badly. It was terrible to watch it. Just to ~see~ their constant mistakes. But, it was fun. Drank a few PBR tallboys (yuck, I'm a guinness girl) and got a nice buzz. Got home about midnight and took my shift with the baby (fun times). BUT ... had a really, really, really good time. Can't wait to get back to derby!!!
Judul: Wow, thanks ticketmaster.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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