I'm home from the emergency room.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 Februari 2009 0 komentar
That was a super fun 7 1/2 hours!

I don't think I have anything else to add than what I already blogged about.

~ The pain I had came on suddenly and out of the blue. I was doubled over in pain and could ~not~ stand up. At the exact same time, my upper right shoulder hurt ridiculously bad too. One second I was fine, next second I was in tears.

~ I'm a bad stick. They tried 3 times (my record is 11 sticks) in my hand/wrist and went to my neck. Check out the pictures. Pretty punk rock, eh?

~ Gave me morphine. Awesome, but seemed to only last for a short time. I got 4mgs 3 times while there.

~ U/S didn't show anything really. Some fluid in/around uterus, nothing spectacular from someone 1 month (happy month birthday karl!) postpartum. Appendix and gall bladder looked fine. Oh - she saw follicles on my ovaries! Ack. I had sex last night (go me!) and freaked out I'll suddenly fall pregnant. How funny things change, no?

~ Doc said he still thinks it's gall bladder due to my symptoms matching and it being so common post pregnancy. Said that even though u/s looked fine, there is something about the gall bladder not functioning properly which can cause the same pain. Wants me to get some test I completely have forgotten the name of. A few of you left comments about some gall bladder tests, so maybe that's one of them. I'll look it up. Wants my primary care to order it.

~ Sent to CT scan to rule out anything else. That is when they say something in my uterus. Most likely some retained placenta. He said even w/ d&c, since I had placenta accreta, tissue can get left from what was grown into uterine wall. Wants me to see OB immediately for this, does ~not~ want me to wait until end of next week for my 6 week postpartum checkup. Since I am just now having symptoms, the time is now.

~ Doc gave me some IV antibitotics "just in case" to save off any uterine infection. Not quite happy about more antibiotics, but if he says I need it, I'll believe him. He's got the medical degree, not me.

I swear. If I need any type of surgery, I'm going to be fucking pissed. I've been through enough, thank you. (But did I put this on myself from asking "what else can happen? The plague?" in one of my entries post-pneumonia?) Irony rules, eh?
Judul: I'm home from the emergency room.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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