Question about baby showers ...
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
first time moms (1st pregnancy, regardless of # of babies) ...
1. How many baby showers are you getting?
2. Who is throwing it/them?
3. If you are having more than one shower, is there a reason why they can't be combined?
4. Is there anything you left off of registries? (big ticket items? breastfeeding supplies? Anything?)
second time moms (2nd pregnancy)...
1. Are you having a shower for your second baby?
2. If no, why not? (skip rest of questions)
3. If yes, how long has it been since your first baby shower? Is this baby the same gender as first?
4. If yes, do you feel "bad" for having another baby shower? Are you doing anything to make it more acceptable like requesting "no gifts" or "diapers only"?
5. If yes, how many are you getting?
6. If more than one, is there a reason why they can't be combined?
7. Did you complete a registry? If yes, was there any differences from how you registered w/ your first?
third(+) time moms (3rd pregnancy or more) ...
1. Are you having a shower?
2. If no, why not? (skip rest of questions)
3. If yes, how long has it been since your last baby shower? Is this baby the same gender as first two?
4. If yes, do you feel "bad" for having another baby shower? Are you doing anything to make it more acceptable like requesting "no gifts" or "diapers only"?
5. If yes, how many are you getting?
6. If more than one, is there a reason why they can't be combined?
7. Did you complete a registry? If yes, was there any differences from how you registered w/ your first two pregnancies?
Those ttc +1 ...
1. Does being invited to baby showers bother you at all?
2. If yes, when did it start to bother you? (ie: how long in the ttc process?)
3. Do you think the girl who invited you should have done anything special to accommodate you?
4. Do you feel rsvp-ing w/ a "no" and sending a gift is an appropriate response for your own self preservation? Or do you think your own IF is no reason to not attend and you should just suck it up?
5. Have you ever had a bad experience in regards to a baby shower invite? (drama involved either being invited or even ~not~ being invited?, etc?)
Those ttc and dealing with secondary (or more) IF ...
1. Does being invited to baby showers bother you at all?
2. If yes, when did it start to bother you? (ie: how long in the ttc process?)
3. Do you think the girl who invited you should have done anything special to accommodate you?
4. Do you feel rsvp-ing w/ a "no" and sending a gift is an appropriate response for your own self preservation? Or do you think your own IF is no reason to not attend and you should just suck it up?
5. Have you ever had a bad experience in regards to a baby shower invite? (drama involved either being invited or even ~not~ being invited?, etc?)
6. Do you think there is added pressure on you to "just be happy" because you already have a baby?
7. Does the fact you are dealing with secondary(+) IF make baby showers harder or easier for you?
Judul: Question about baby showers ...
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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