I got the hospital bill

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I just got the bill from delivering Karl. Hospital for ~me~ only. Not covering any of the separate charges like OB, cardiologist, gas passers, etc. Just the hospital bill for me.)Ready?$24,837.80~gasp~(my portion is a whole $465, but still. $25 thousand? fuc...

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We interrupt this blog to bring you my next medical issue.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 27 Februari 2009 0 komentar
OB's office had called on Wednesday, the day I was in surgery. My pap had came back w/ abnormal cells. So they tested for HPV and lucky me tested positive for one of the 15 "high-risk" types of HPV that can cause cervical cancer.A little bit about HPV ...~HPV (human papillomavirus) is a common virus that infects the skin and mucous membranes.~ There are about 100 types of HPV. Approximately 30 of...

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I watched it and I think I'm ready to comment.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
First off, what I wanted to talk about regarding Octomom was her decision to transfer 8 embryos. (I know there is talk about thhis doctor's new technique of "implanting" embryos directly into the lining, but it was unknown if it was done in Octomom's case.) Dr Phil mentioned that she had 40-50 embryos all together (um, holy shit?) so I went and tried to find info.Apparently, she had 6 embryos transferred...

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I'm actually going to talk about it.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 26 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Octomom.It took me a bit to want to talk about it. I was just going to ignore the whole damned thing, but after seeing some clips from the dr phil show today, I think I'm going to watch it and comment.Why? Because I hate to admit this - but I'm a bit like her I think. From her questions I saw so far, she said due to the circumstances, they decided 6 embryos was the way to go to get one.NOW - I do...

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Sorry to keep you waiting!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I had to be at the hospital so early, I didn't have time to update.Today's hpt - clearly negative. Even after just looking at it right now, no dried evap line. Yesterday's must of just been some fucked up joke.No surprise baby for me.And no babies for me ever again.I'm steri...

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What the FUCK is that?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Februari 2009 0 komentar
(click on image to see it larger)I still have a few hpts sitting under my sink and thought I'd take one so I got ~no surprises~ tomorrow in outpatient surgery. So I POAS.What the fuck is in the test window? That is ~so~ not a line, right? RIGHT? That's just some weird evap line I'm sure. I must of pulled it out of the lets-fuck-with-her-mind brand hpt box.I am ~not~ one of those women who get "unwanted"...

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Surgery tomorrow

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My surgery is tomorrow. I'm not worried in the very least. Plus, I bribed my OB today, so I should get some extra special treatment!Okay, so it wasn't a real bribe, but I did have breakfast catered for my entire OB's office this morning. I ordered the "Classy Continental " which consisted of:~ Imported coffee~ Freshly squeezed orange juice~ Seasonal fresh fruit~ Sweet mini muffins & scones w/...

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My answers (and thoughts/comments) regarding baby showers

Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I fit into all of the categories, so I'm going to give all my answers below. But first, I would like to give some thoughts/opinions about this topic. I apologize now if my opinions are negative to what you did. I am definitely on the conservative side of this topic. Maybe it's my age, maybe it's where I grew up, maybe it's just the way I think.~ The reason my friends and I were even talking about...

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Question about baby showers ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The first three sets of questions are posed to mothers/preggos. The fourth set of questions is posed to those ttc their first. The fifth set is posed to those experiencing secondary(+) infertility.first time moms (1st pregnancy, regardless of # of babies) ...1. How many baby showers are you getting?2. Who is throwing it/them?3. If you are having more than one shower, is there a reason why they can't...

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More on the marijuana topic

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 22 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I found myself writing a lot in the comments on the last post, so I thought I'd just create a whole new discussion instead. But before I go into what I wanted to talk about, I wanted to give some background information and dispel some assumptions first.~ I would not call myself pro-marijuana in the definition I am pushing marijuana use on anyone. I am, however, anti-anti-marijuana. I simply do not...

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Joe Rogan's open letter to Kellogg’s re: Michael Phelps

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Sarah brought this to my attention and I think it's fucking hilarious. Take the time to read the following from http://blog.joerogan.net/.It's especially a good read if you are anti-marijuana and made some of the common 'arguments' in my last post about this. Now, before you get your non-hemp panties all up in a bunch, I am ~not~ suggesting any anti-marijuana person turn pro-marijuana. Admit that...

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Top Ten List.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Maybe even Top 5 or Top 3.That is where I would put tonight's love making. It definitely made the list as one of the best sex sessions I have ~ever~ had.I'm very sorry for anyone who knows me in real life to have had to read th...

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Getting To Know You (GTKY #1)

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Februari 2009 0 komentar
You all know ~me~ from reading my blog. Now I want to get to know you by asking some questions.Please cut/paste these questions into the comments and answer them truthfully! ~wink~Q1: Let's say you are driving by yourself in the middle of a long drive. You are in a good mood and you have every album ever made available to listen to. Name 1-3 albums you would choose to listen to.A1:Q2: Let's say...

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I will be sterilized next wednesday.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I had my 6w postpartum checkup today.First thing he asked was "What are you going to do about birth control?" And I said "we need to do something, because I can't seem to stop having unprotected sex!". heh. I told him I wanted to get my tubes tied. He suggested doing the Essure procedure instead.The Essure procedure is where the doc threads wires up each fallopian tube. In the time period of 3 months,...

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This is a bit hard. (and something very interesting)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm definitely making the separation between this blog and my other blog. I'm trying to update both everyday. Karl updates & pictures, Ella and Allison news, kid and parenting related stuff will be over there, while my sarcastic and schnarky self and any "me" news will be over here. Seems simple.But the separation isn't that simple. Most of my identity right now is wrapped around being the mother...

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Awards Time.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 18 Februari 2009 0 komentar
As I just told Kimbosue, "It's an honor just to be nominated." ~smile~I recently have received 3 shoutouts from fellow bloggers Kimbosue, Amanda and Valerie.First up is the Honest Scrap award, given to me by Valerie and Amanda, which I'm tickled to get because I've seen everyone getting it recently and no one gave it to me. (boohoo, poor me!) But it looks like ~two~ people gave it to me! (Sorry I...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 17 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Just a reminder I put all of Karl updates over at my other blog, TheOtherLifeOfNancy. I just put a huge post about "what to register for" that may be of some help to mommies pregnant with their first.And read the post right after this one. I don't want that one to not get read because I put a post on top of ...

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You all know of this place, right?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My friends Lori and Chicklet have quite a cool reveiw site called All Thumbs Reviews.You know of it, right? Of course you do. If you don't, go check it out and bookmark it. And if for some reason you forget to bookmark it, I gotcha covered - look for the below picture on my sidebar and click on it - it'll bring you right there.I wouldn't be telling you about it if I didn't think it was noteworthy....

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Terms of Endearment

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This movie was made in 1983 and I must of seen it a billion times. (okay, maybe like 10) Each time, I cry. I just finished watching it again. Today was no differe...

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"Michael Phelps' Bong Hit"

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009 0 komentar
While waiting in the ER last night, I hear CNN say "Next, more on Michael Phelps' Bong Hit."Good lord, why is this news? Who the fuck cares if Michael Phelps is taking bong hits? He wasn't taking them during the olympics. He's on ~vacation~. Let the boy smoke pot if he wants to. Let loose. He wasn't smoking crack for goodness sake.You know, I actually give the guy ~more~ props for doing so well and...

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Now it is definitely NOT funny.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 13 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Allison (my 3 1/2 year old) comes out of the bedroom ~freaking~ out. I couldn't understand her. Finally I heard the words "I swallowed a penny!". And she was holding her throat screaming "owwie!".I felt her throat. I could feel it. I look at Tom. Who do I call?"911, where is your emergency?"The 911 operator was awesome. In 3 minutes, my living room was filled with two firemen, two EMTs and a policeman.The...

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Well, now it's just funny.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I threw my back out today.I must have really pissed someone off in the world of karma. My goodness.I was running out the door because I was super late for my hair appointment. I had baby carrier in my left hand and turned to the right to get the door. It was out of my reach and I bent funny to grab it and whoa. Holy mother of god back pain. It goes up and down the left side of my back. Awesome!Believe...

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(Updated) "Have you thought about sterilization?"

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 Februari 2009 0 komentar
When I saw the NP yesterday, that's the question she asked me. Which, was a very pertinent question and something I have been thinking of. She wasn't being rude, mean or uncaring. But gah. "Sterilization". What a word.I'm going to talk to my OB next week at my 6w postpartum checkup, but me and the NP chatted a bit. I think I've got it figured out. I'm going to get my tubes tied.I want permanent birth...

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Quick update

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I saw my OB yesterday and he checked out the reports from the ER. He said the little pieces of tissue is totally normal and should dissolve back into my body without issue. He said he didn't know why the ER doc even mentioned it, because it was so minor.I dealt with retained placental tissue after Allison's birth and had to get another d&c at 6w postpartum, so I do know what to look for and I...

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I'm home from the emergency room.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 Februari 2009 0 komentar
That was a super fun 7 1/2 hours!I don't think I have anything else to add than what I already blogged about.~ The pain I had came on suddenly and out of the blue. I was doubled over in pain and could ~not~ stand up. At the exact same time, my upper right shoulder hurt ridiculously bad too. One second I was fine, next second I was in tears.~ I'm a bad stick. They tried 3 times (my record is 11 sticks)...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Added bonus. Scan showed "something" left in my uterus. Have to call OB tomorrow for that. Yipee. Serious...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Doc thinks its gall bladder attack due to a defective functioning gall bladder. Looks fine on u/s, but thinks its squeezing 'wro...

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Read from bottom up.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
text only allows 131 characte...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
for CT scan. Drank contrasting fluid. Blood pressure crazy high. Oh, IV in my fucking neck. Burly. This sucks. Whats wrong with ...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Ok, here is the story so far. Sudden onset of MAJOR right sided abdominal pain accompanied by shoulder pain. I had u/s and wait...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Im in the fucking hospit...

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Wow, thanks ticketmaster.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 09 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Very long story short, when I went to purchase flight of the conchords tickets, right when they went on sale, they seemed to be selling the back row first. I bought some tickets in row 58 but later on, got front row. I had an extra set of tickets on my hands, which I thought I would have to sell. I complained to ticketmaster on principle, knowing their return policy and yet they refunded my money....

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I'm going out!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I'm leaving in 2 hours for the evening without kids (or my husband!)Heading to denver with my derby wife to see our secondary derby team bout. I'm planning on drinking a beer (or two) also! Wow.I'm excit...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 06 Februari 2009 0 komentar
~ I just bought tickets to see Flight of the Conchords at Red Rocks! I am freaking super hyped. I'm more excited about this show than the upcoming Guttermouth show at Black Sheep. I have a silly crush on Bret. OMG. I'm going to see flight of the conchords! I'm literally giddy.~ I'm wearing a tampon. Oh yeah baby. Tampons are where it's at. (sarah - my personal favorite is playtex. I hate tampax and...

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Steak and Tampons

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 05 Februari 2009 0 komentar
What a title, eh?~ Steak.I just cooked the beast steak ever. I don't eat much red meat anymore. I used to eat it 4-5 times a week, now I'm down to 1 time a week, which is usually a hamburger or ground beef in a taco or something like that. But a steak? I rarely eat steak anymore, but when I do, I love it. Yum.I noticed I had two steaks in the freezer that were getting quite old, so I took one out...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
~ Some of you girls suck! (meant with all the love possible, of course!).Bubble bursting left and right! Sheesh! I said for no compliments, but you didn't have to go and tell me how it's just not going to last! Or that it was just cause I was sick (although I wasn't intensinally sick and I was still eating regular amounts.) Remember that whole "if you don't have anything nice to say" thing? ~wink~Yeah,...

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Horn Tootin'.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
144 lbs. 34 lbs down from delivery. (weighed 145 before IVF/FET. weighed 157 at bfp.) I'm finally losing pre-treatment weight now.9 lbs to go.(please, no "congrats!" responses. I'm feeling quite proud of myself and doing enough horn tootin' myself. I don't want this to sound like I'm fishing for compliments!)note: I am only 3w5d postpartum. I have NO FUCKING CLUE how I'm losing this weight. Lots of...

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Ah-ha! Thanks Jenera!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 04 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Seems Jenera knows how to do it.If you, as a commentor, has chosen to hide their email in their profile, I do ~not~ get it in the notification in my email, so I can ~not~ email you back. BUT, if you do NOT hide your email, I DO get your email and I CAN email you back!So, If you ~want~ to have bloggers have the ability to email you back from your comments through their own email notifications, (~pretty...

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That ~kinda~ worked

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
So.I setup being notified, via email, for every comment I receive. I setup a little inbox for all the mails and everything. This way, I thought I could email someone back when they asked me something in a comment very easily.BUT ...Most comments, even from logged-in bloggers, don't have a return email in my notification. Just no-reply@blogger.com or something of the like. SOME people have their email...

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my new ink.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 Februari 2009 0 komentar
Few pictures displaying the newest of my ink. Just starting to color it in - got lots of sessions left to go.The back of my arm, the reed's starting to get their super green color. The blue is the end of the dragonfly. The top uncolored piece is the flower bud.Better view of the dragonfly. The wings are nowhere near to being finished, but since they are supposed to be translucent, we have to do it...

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An answer to a question

Posted by Unknown Senin, 02 Februari 2009 0 komentar
which Morgan asked of me in the last comments. This is something I struggled with myself and when I figured out the answer, I felt almost a "duh" moment and maybe others may feel the same feeling. Therefore I feel I should try to share it with others in hopes it may help.Her comment was "... now that Mason is here I still want more children but something inside of me is saying "would it take all the...

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Let me rephrase that.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I don't really want another baby. I mean, I do, but I don't. I love my babies and I know I would always love to have more, but I know I'm done. I will miss it all - all the good and all the bad.If I was younger, maybe we could have another. If we made more money, maybe we could have another. Although I agree with being done, it saddens me beyond belief to really be faced with being done.I'm just having...

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I want another baby. Fuck you infertility.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 01 Februari 2009 0 komentar
There. I said it.I won't get one of course. My husband doesn't want any more. We couldn't afford any more. I switched back to my old insurance which doesn't cover infertility treatments and I doubt I'd be able to conceive w/out ART. And I have almost died twice now, no one wants me to push that.I'm beyond lucky. I have three beautiful children. Can I even consider myself infertile now?So what I spent...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
~ You girls know eden, right? She switched identities so I'm totally unsure of what to call her and babyboy now (eden, please email me with the correct answers), but she's one of the most beloved bloggers out there, one of the handful of girls (who should totally know who they are - J, C, P, etc) who I would literally drop everything and fly out to their house if they needed me. But she sent me a...

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