
Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 November 2009 0 komentar
I had quite a weird day. I was so exhausted, I literally could stop myself from falling in and out of consciousness until about noon. Then I felt lightheaded all day. I really thought I'd pass out. But I finally ate a banana and drank some oj, now I feel better.

Your list of pet peeves was fun. I'm glad most of you said you'd never actually tell the writer it irked you, but instead just list them out here. There's a difference between thinking something vs acting on it. Most of you have good hearts.

I made two baby blankets this weekend and now I have the one I'm making for mommybird all laid out and ready for pinning. I make those classic tassled fleece blankets, but I put in a few extra hours of work by "quilting" it with decorative seems and cross stitching. And I don't knot it. It makes for a much softer and streamlined blanket. Lots of work, but worth it!

Time for bed. Nighty night!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Judul: Tuesday
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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