The "worst" part ...

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 01 November 2009 0 komentar
(continuation of last post) The craziest part wasn't even the time nor cold. But that I was on the side of my house, BEHIND the cars. The entire front of our house was turned off - jack-o-lanterns blows out, orange lights unplugged, big blow up pooh bear deflated, porch light OFF.

So these people skipped the front of the house, came up driveway, went behind the cars to find me 15 feet back from the front of the garage, sitting on a bucket, packing up papers.

I'm still shocked at it.

Oh, and I had the oldest trick-or-treater last night too! It was a mom and a grandma taking their group of children around. We give out good candy, those nice and big candy bars (reese's, hershey's, milk duds, etc...) and I let everyone take 2 each until it gets late and based on my supply (which is always over) I let them take 3-4 each.

Well, the kids go back to the adults and apparently told the grandma what I was giving out because next thing I know, a woman wearing jeans and a sweatshirt came up to me and said "trick or treat" and stuck out her hand. She took 2 out of the bowl and said "happy halloween" and left. People - the woman was well into her late 60s! Or maybe this was just a REALLY good halloween costume and she was really an 8 year old kid.
Judul: The "worst" part ...
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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