I fixed it! (and some other notes from my life)

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 November 2009 0 komentar
First and foremost - I freaking FIXED the problem I've been having with my google reader. It's been driving me freaking bonkers - it would load the first blog I clicked on but would just hang on loading the next. I have been trying to read blogs for the past few weeks and I just couldn't get through the loading exceptions. I tried everything. I disabled all add ons, even launching in safe mode. I reinstalled the browser. I cleaned up any and all issues with the OS. Everything. And I just ran across a fix - just bring up reader in secure mode instead of http. AH-HA! So now I can finally get back to commenting to my peeps. It's been driving me absolutely fucking insane. And now it's fixed. Yay!

Secondly and thirdly... Here's some randomness I gathered from reading the latest issue of parenting magazine.

~ birth control ads piss me off. Especially the IUD ones where they talk about taking it out to get pregnant "when you want". Fuck off.

~ There is an ad for a book with the description "It's a tale of [a couple] succeeding despite the odds: a passionate marriage, sisters who love each other and the bravery in the face of evil". Succeeding despite a passionate marriage? A great sisterhood? Bravery? Why is that a "despite"?

~ I have a few more comments but since they are more child related, I'll continue this list on my other blog.

Other than that, I just am trying to get caught up in my blog reading.

How is everyone out there? Anything new to report???
Judul: I fixed it! (and some other notes from my life)
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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