I just got the girls pierced.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 30 November 2009 0 komentar
Yay.I've been wanting to get my nipples pierced forever and since my nipples are all mine now, I got it done.And guess what? It didn't hurt. At all. Wei...

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I fixed it! (and some other notes from my life)

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 November 2009 0 komentar
First and foremost - I freaking FIXED the problem I've been having with my google reader. It's been driving me freaking bonkers - it would load the first blog I clicked on but would just hang on loading the next. I have been trying to read blogs for the past few weeks and I just couldn't get through the loading exceptions. I tried everything. I disabled all add ons, even launching in safe mode. I...

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I love it.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 27 November 2009 0 komentar
The carrier, that is. It came on Wednesday, moments before we left to go out of town for the big turkey day. After the kids went to sleep, I got it out and played with it. It's got quite an instruction book!So far, I've carried Karl and:~ made thanksgiving dinner with him on my back~ went for a walk with him on my hip~ cleaned up after breakfast with him on my backIt's a great carrier. So thanks to...

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My blankets.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 22 November 2009 0 komentar
I make the typical fringed fleece blankets with some upgrades ...~ I only use the very softest non-pill fleece. It's way more expensive, but it allows the blanket to hold up to time.~ I do not tie the fringes. I personally don't like the knots; I don't want to be laying on lumps.~ I "quilt" the two layers together using a decorative stitch. I go all the way around the circumference first, then horizontally...

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Who is on your "list"?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 21 November 2009 0 komentar
Jenn and I talked about the "list" we both have. You know - the one from Friends. The list of 5 people who you would be allowed to get involved with and have a pass with your husband.Mine are:~ Michael Pitt~ Edward Norton~ Ewan McGregor~ Brandon Boyd~ Heather GrahamWho are on your li...

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Welcome to the world K.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 November 2009 0 komentar
My BFF delivered her daughter yesterday. And while she doesn't blog nor would want me blogging about her, blogging is such a big part of my life - I feel weird not mentioning it.So welcome to the world baby K. You are already so loved. Love, "aunt" nan...

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I bought a carrier (children mentioned again)

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 November 2009 0 komentar
Wow! Thanks for all the recommendations!After all your comments and researching different models, I ended up purchasing an Ergo carrier. As K77 pointed out, I do have back issues and having a double shouldered one was definately smart. I liked the style and the functions, so I bought it. I'll let you know how happy I am with it when I get it.Thanks again...

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I need a sling (children mentioned)

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 18 November 2009 0 komentar
Do any of you mommies have a recommendation for a sling for an older baby? I adored my baby bjorn, but karl is too heavy for me to use it anymore. I need a sling I can use to attach him to my hip so I can cook/clean/etc with him. One that will allow me to have at least one arm free. Anyo...

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This is the day and life of a pin.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Many of you are asking about the pin, so I thought I'd go ahead and update you. The pin. Yeah. No idea. I haven't had an xray since last week Wednesday. But here are some awesome WAY TMI updates about it. (seriously, click away now. it's way too much.)~ Last week I knew it was still in because I tried to have, um, "relations" and I had to stop because it felt like I was being stabbed. Literally. Last...

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The~Real~LifeOfNancy in pictures. (and a funny ending!)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 17 November 2009 0 komentar
Jenn has discovered the ~real~ life of me on her visit. The aspect where I'm really not exciting and fun!We had a wonderful time hanging out, but we spent most of the time just in the house, not doing much. But come on, we had ~4~ kids with us who had to nap and sleep early and whatnot. When I picked up Jenn at the airport, it was one of the first questions I asked her, "Do you want to plan to do...

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Jenn is here.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 November 2009 0 komentar
Jenn and her little girl, Caiden are here! They are both ~amazing~. We're getting along just like old friends.I'm so hap...

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Hatred is alive and well.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 11 November 2009 0 komentar
Sheesh, I take a few days off from the internet and I find anonymous hatred is still alive and well. How sad. When I see comments like that, I think about how sad their lives must be to lash out to someone they probably don't even know. If being mean to me made their lives better, then so be it. I'm happy to allow a little bit of happiness into their lives.While someone was thrashing me on my blog,...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 06 November 2009 0 komentar
I HATE it when people honk outside a house. Seriously, can't people GET OUT OF THEIR CARS anymore? Like is it that hard to park and walk to the door?I have a great honking story from best friend and fellow blogger Laurel (aka Bay). She actually got up out of bed, early in the morning, and bitched out a woman honking outside her neighbor's house. It's an awesome story, but I don't have time to type...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 November 2009 0 komentar
I had quite a weird day. I was so exhausted, I literally could stop myself from falling in and out of consciousness until about noon. Then I felt lightheaded all day. I really thought I'd pass out. But I finally ate a banana and drank some oj, now I feel better.Your list of pet peeves was fun. I'm glad most of you said you'd never actually tell the writer it irked you, but instead just list them out...

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What are your grammatical pet peeves?

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 01 November 2009 0 komentar
I was recently commented upon (anonymously) in which it was pointed out I use parenthetical phrases too much. Which is funny since I have pointed it out myself multiple times.It got me thinking about my own grammatical pet peeves. I would never point out these peeves to a writer, but I do have my own and I'm assuming you have your own too. I know we've discussed these here before, but let's go over...

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The "worst" part ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
(continuation of last post) The craziest part wasn't even the time nor cold. But that I was on the side of my house, BEHIND the cars. The entire front of our house was turned off - jack-o-lanterns blows out, orange lights unplugged, big blow up pooh bear deflated, porch light OFF.So these people skipped the front of the house, came up driveway, went behind the cars to find me 15 feet back from the...

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