Since it's a Friday
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
A few random and schnarky items.
~ My brother is getting married on a cruise ship in oct and I wasn't going. But my dad wants me to go and said he'll pay for me. Just me. Not Tom or the kids. I want to go, but a week away from everyone is huge. And unfair to Tom. It's a big family cruise and my dad just won't pay for 5 people, so it's just me or no one. Ugh. I understand why I can't go, but it's still a bummer.
~ What are those blanket things with arms called? Snuggies? Shnoogies? Snugglies? I refuse to google it. Anywho. I was watching a baseball game the other night and saw someone behind home base with one on. Seriously. Like actually wearing one. Now, there are white trash / punk rock shit that is cool - like PBR, John Dear and pink flamingos in your yard, but the blanket thing is seriously dumb.
~ I hit my weight goal this morning. But it was just the first of weigh-ins and I have to weigh it multiple times in case it's just a fluke. Yay. 7m2w4d past birth. FINALLY. Of course, I'm 15 lbs lighter now than pre-preg weight, it took that long to get off all my iui/ivf/fet weight + baby weight off.
~ Ted Kennedy died THREE days ago and I just found out about it now. I was at my parent's house and the news said "kennedy's viewing is over" and I was like WTF? They STILL are showing jfk's casket? Seriously - look how out of it I am. I even read the paper today and didn't catch it. BTW, I totally think ted kennedy got away with killing that girl. I'm just sayin'
~ Speaking of public figures getting away with shit. This michael jackson thing is starting to really fucking annoy me. I believe he got away with some very bad things. Sure, he had a fucked up childhood. Real fucked up. REAL fucked up. But that's just a reason, not an excuse.
~ I have a russian tortoise I need to get rid of. He's awesome, but we just don't have the room. I used to keep some of the girls' large toys in the office/guest room, but now it's a nursery so all of their stuff is in their own room. Plus Peter Pan (the tortoise). I feel bad, but the thing has a life expectancy of 80 years and he's 4. I put an ad in the paper for this weekend (craigslist doesn't do pets) so hopefully I'll find him a home. If anyone in driving distance to Co Springs wants a full setup for a tortoise (55 gallon terrarium, warming pad, lamp, plus all accessories), I'll give it to you. I'm asking $75, but I'll give him away to anyone I "know".
~ Can Jon Gossling (no clue on spelling) wear more Ed Hardy? Seriously dude. Buy some different t-shirt brands.
~ I'm dying to see Inglourious Basterds. I really want to know what the reasoning behind the intentional incorrect spelling, but when Quentin Tarantino was asked, he replied, " "Here's the thing. I'm never going to explain that. You do an artistic flourish like that, and to explain it would just take the piss out of it and invalidate the whole stroke in the first place." Lame.
~ That twilight movie thing. I've never read nor seen it because whoa, I'm over the age of 14, but I see the cast and such in my hollywood gossip mags. Can someone please tell me why this vampire kid (the one with the shaggy blonde hair) is supposedly hot? I don't get it at all. Although I do think Dr Cooper from Nurse Jackie (who I just learned is another vampire in twilight) is cute as hell. Maybe it's just "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" thing. ~shrug~
~ I am going to get the "mother of the year" award this year. I wrote about it on my other blog.
I have way more to say, but I have to go take care of a few things.
Judul: Since it's a Friday
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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