Pregnant Phone Sex

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009 0 komentar

Ohhhhh! I really wish I could be having sex right now. Being a single mom, stinks and being soooo horny headed into my 3rd trimester. I'm getting so big... but since I'm going to be a single mom. (bf left me), I've joined a special Birthing Class and I met a new friend! Her name is Brenda. She's adorable, young, and innocent. I know we'll be great friends. :) We get along so well! We're bothing having babies, but I'll be having mine first hehe. I'm trying to convince her to do pregnant phone sex, too! We both talked about how horny we are. So horny we were almost about to hit on each other... just kidding... well, no I'm not. I'm not sure if she's into me like that though. She's beautiful. I love her long hair and creamy skin. We'll see if I can convince her to! When she's more convinced, I'll post her screen names on here and maybe you guys can help convince her to join the naughty phone sex world!

Your lonely single-mommy-to-be,

1*888-47*HORNY ask for me! We can do any fantasy you like! Even including a roleplay where we talk about Brenda, too!
Judul: Pregnant Phone Sex
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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