
Posted by Unknown Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009 0 komentar
I had to add this in to my last post. I can't believe I forgot about it. Maybe because I'm still too shocked.

My father, 73 years old, just found the wonderfulness that is an ipod. He spends HOURS looking for and downloading songs. He's very much into think like Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, The Eagles, etc.

So today, he's going over his music to find songs he wants to put in an absolute "favorites" playlist. He's going through song by song, playing the first 5-7 seconds, checkmarking the ones he wants.

As one song starts to play, I immediately turn to him my best WTF look.

Dad: "You know that girl who Chris Brown beat up? I love her music!"
~ Rihanna playing ~
Me: can't talk. dumbfounded.
Dad: "I've been listening to her a lot!"
Me: Rihanna?
Dad: "Yes. This song, 'unfaithful', is my favorite"

I don't know what is more disturbing. That my 73 year old father listens to Rihanna. Or that he explains who she is by "that girl Chris Brown beat up". Or that I knew who was singing when I heard it playing.
Judul: p.s...
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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