A big anniversary.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 04 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I blogged more about this, along with TONS of additional pictures, on my other blog. (I spent ~so~ much time doing today's post there, if you have a moment and don't mind looking at totally triggery pictures, meaning pregnant and baby pictures, please take a look? My other blog barely has any readership and I'm really proud of that post!)

One year ago (cinco de mayo) was the anniversary of the big transfer.

The day was surreal. And although 3 of my little embryos didn't make it, 1 very important one did. Thank you universe.

It's funny. I've been feeling really shit upon from the world in the past weeks. And then a date like this is here and all of the shit seems stupid.

To my little embryos, thank you. Thank you for all four of you. Thank you for allowing me to freeze you. Thank you for surviving the terrible thaw. Thank you to the three of you for keeping your brother company. And thank you 'ringo' (which we believe is the top left one) for sticking around. I love you all.

Judul: A big anniversary.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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