Surgery #20, Here I come!!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 28 Mei 2009 0 komentar
My foot has been killing me from skating lately - the same place I had it broken and re-set 1 1/2 years ago - so I went in for a check up with my foot doc.X-rays were taken first and the doc and I immediately sat down with them. To me, they looked great! But then he pointed out where my issues were.Due to the repositioning of the bones, I have little space in between two bones in the top of the foot...

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Horny Single Mom Will Phone Fuck for $$$ *wink*

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I've always been a naughty hottie... but now I'm horny, lonely and about to be a single Mommy. So I'm home having naughty phone sex.Let's play and get wild! I can let you listen to my wet juicy pussy while I finger or toy with it. We can be as KINKY as you like.Or maybe you need a lovely lady... I've always been looking for my dream man. Someone to sweep me off my feet and drive me wild.Oh! And I...

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Babies in the REs office.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I was a patient at my RE's office, every cycle, for, let's see, 17 months straight? In my time, I got to know the staff (of course) and I had my favorites. I called my favorite nurse, K, the other day to see if I could bring in Karl for her to see. I asked when a good time would be, as I don't want to go in with patients in the waiting room, and she told me late afternoons were great since there weren't...

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Knock me up, Daddy!

Posted by Unknown Senin, 25 Mei 2009 0 komentar
Please get me pregnant, Daddy! Mommy will never know it's you! Pop my little young cherry and she'll never know! My tummy will grow bigger and bigger because you put your baby right in me, daddy! I always loved the way you would push your cock soooo deep inside me and blow your hot cum right up there! You would just fill me up with all of it! Every last drop of it! I loved the squishy feeling it gave...

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A little advice ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When your husband isn't too thrilled with you, do ~not~ accept an invitation to attend a party at midnight. And do ~not~ stay out until 4:30am. It's just ~not~ a good id...

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To interrupt the drama filled posts ...

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009 0 komentar
... here is one with the doldrums of updating with bullets. (yeah, yeah, l.a.m.e., I know.)~ I loved all the comments you all left on the past posts! I've read each and everyone of them.~ As soon as I finish my todo list of a) updating both blogs and b) reading pam-a-lama's blog that I am highly behind on, more than usual, I'm going to go to each and every one's blogs who commented on the previous...

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What. The. Fuck.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 22 Mei 2009 0 komentar
Sorry for the f-bomb in the title, but that was my honest reaction to what I just had sent to me...I'm going to keep it "anonymous", although someone I know sent it to me. I don't want her getting any backlash just in case.Here is the email ..."So, on the message board I am on, there is this discussion about gender disappointment. There is this girl who is saying that those who experience gender disappointment...

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Everyone feel better?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 Mei 2009 0 komentar
Seems my last post allowed many of you to vent your frustrations with all things ttc support related.A few comments from a few things that stuck out to me ...~ My categories were by no means trying to categorize the world of ttc. It was just a quick list of some different groups I'm familiar with in ttc-land to give examples to a handful of different ways I find I need to support people. It's not...

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Note on previous post ...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 19 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I had to delete a comment because it went over the top with the "this is not a contest" concept.I don't know how much more I can explain. I do not think the pain of IF is a contest. Nor am I saying one person deserves support more than another. Nor am I saying treatments are more support worthy than ttc naturally.I thought I was ~very clear~ this post wasn't about that. Are people just skimming it...

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Shoot. BANG! (important update at bottom ... )

Posted by Unknown Senin, 18 Mei 2009 0 komentar
A clever title to have for a bulleted post. (okay, clever to me. I'm easily amused.)(a section about bands/music first ... look for the line of ~*~*~*~ to bypass and got to see the IF stuff.)~ FOTC, as I mentioned yesterday, was one of the best shows I have ever been to. Maybe I can't really say that, as I am a show goer chick who used to tour with punk bands in college and see no less than one show...

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Allow me to elaborate.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 17 Mei 2009 0 komentar
Whew. Let me say that again. WHEW. (said while wiping my brow).What a hard few weeks I have been having. FUCKING hard. I hit my mental (and almost physical) bottom and I almost lost it. I was daydreaming various death scenarios (no, no, nothing like ~that~) but I was thinking of how nice just driving through an intersection and being plowed over by an 18 wheeler would be. Instant annihilation. Can...

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Flight of the Conchords!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I went to flight of the conchords last night in denver (not actually denver, it was at red rocks) and it was fucking hilarious. So worth it. H...

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Has anyone else noticed

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 15 Mei 2009 0 komentar
Dr Rey on Dr 90210 is a gigantic dork? Shows all the money, nice body (which he does have), pretty wife, etc, etc, etc does ~not~ bring coolness to anyone. It's just his pre-surgery antics are too much for me. Pushups? Martial arts moves? For goodness sake, he was just in the hallway using nunchucks. Nunchucks. Moments before surgery. Wei...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 14 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I think I've entitled some of my posts the same way... "whoa." But last night was freaking crazy. Let me back up a bit first.I went to see one of my doctor's partners yesterday, one that could take me as a same day patient. He was nice, listened to everything about my back pain causing me to not be able to sleep. fyi - no more narcotics for me. I am going to pain management, drugfree, and hopefully...

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thoughts of knitting needles.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 13 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I've emailed a few of you who have been looking for me or responded to "where the fuck are you" posts and yet I haven't replied to many of the "looking for you" comments because at that exact moment, I wasn't responding for whatever reason. (not that i only responded to those who 'count' or any other silly notion like that.)i've hit the wall. i'm spent. i'm done.but the problem with feeling like "i'm...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 08 Mei 2009 0 komentar
forgive me. i am not myself. I have some major insomnia going on. I can drug myself with ambien, but the moment I have to wake up due to anything (pee, baby, first post baby AF), I can't go back to sleep. I feel like i'm going to die.just wanted to give an update of where I ...

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Pregnant Teen Phone Sex

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Knock Me Up RoleplaysI was so cute, dressed as a little purring kitty out trick or treating... when my neighbor invited me in for an extra treat! He said it might be a trick. *giggles* But I wanted an extra treat so bad, that I followed him inside anyway. I thought it was strange that he turn the outside lights off afterwards... He didn't want anymore trick or treaters coming to the door. He led me...

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Posted by Unknown Rabu, 06 Mei 2009 0 komentar
My dad just turned 73 years old on Sunday. Do you know what I got him for his birthday? A tattoo. He sat in a tattoo chair for over an hour yesterday getting his 50 year old eagle (from the navy) redone.Seriously. How cool is th...

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A big anniversary.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 04 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I blogged more about this, along with TONS of additional pictures, on my other blog. (I spent ~so~ much time doing today's post there, if you have a moment and don't mind looking at totally triggery pictures, meaning pregnant and baby pictures, please take a look? My other blog barely has any readership and I'm really proud of that post!)One year ago (cinco de mayo) was the anniversary of the big...

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Wow, 70% of you picked #1.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 03 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I can't believe how many people picked #1.What's funny is I put on #1, walked around the house for a bit and realized it hurt my tummy (incision) way too much. I ended up having to go with #2. And only 30% of you like it!It's super cute though. See?Hah. Just kidding. I buttoned up for the event.Although, in this picture, I look ~very~ suzy homemaker.And I look weirdly bald and/or alien~esque in this...

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A poll. (please answer??!)

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I'm going to a wedding reception this evening. It's in a private room of a nice bar downtown. What should I wear? (answer my poll on the right side under the blogher ad please!Outfit #1: Or Outfit #2? I like the dress because it's super cute and flow-y. I have a lime~ish green cardigan and matching heels too. But the black outfit looks more dress up (I'd wear black heels), but then again, it may be...

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On my way to hospital

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I can't stop the bleeding. Must get it closed. Wish me we...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My incision opened last night. And now although I'm trying to hold it closed with butterfly strips, it's oozing out bunches of coagulated blood.hahahaha...

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The post in where I finally give up.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 01 Mei 2009 0 komentar
I give up. Seriously. I do.My "toughness" or whatever you call it has finally escaped me and I'm a mess. I can't take it anymore. I cannot take any more medical issues.And what was it that pushed me over the edge?A cold sore.I am prone to cold sores. Always have, hell, since I was little. I must have gotten the he.rpes type virus that causes cold sores somewhere in elementary school. (no, i don't...

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