My life.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 22 Februari 2011 0 komentar
Jeez Loise. My life has been hectic.

I still have three packages sitting here of clothes I need to send out. I still have four boxes of shirts I have to go through for a 4th person who wants clothes sent out to them. I still have a package of two cans of similac sitting here to send out. (I still have 1 can of enfamil unclaimed. If you want it, let me know!)

All I have done is take care of little sickos (read my other blog for those details), which is a job in itself. I disinfected my entire house, using an entire large can of lysol, spraying every surface imaginable that the kids have and would touch. I did seven loads of laundry, washing every bit of clothing, every bed sheet, every comforter, every stuffed animal they may have touched. I cleaned all the toothbrushes in boiling water, with a replacement purchased, waiting the 36-48 hours after starting antibiotics. I washed every single toy in a bleach bath, then thoroughly rinsed everything to make sure there isn't any bleach residue. As for me? I haven't even showered since Sunday.

A little good news... I was contacted today via cell phone (couldn't answer because I was with the pediatrician) and then via email from a job recruiter who had seen my resume. A job not only I can do, but a job I am great at. She wanted to interview me, so I replied back I am available all day tomorrow for said interview. I am crossing my fingers in that she calls tomorrow ~and~ that she likes me enough to get a second interview with the employers themselves.

Things ~may~ be looking up!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Judul: My life.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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