It's apparently Drive Like a Moron Day.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 Desember 2011 0 komentar
I didn't get the me...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
It's so quiet here at work today.I have things to do, but I'm going to take a chunk of my time to redo my google reader. I have all of the blogs you girls gave me, so I'm going to simply delete my 200+ list I had before and replace it with yours. Then I'm going to actually READ them! Yay! I'm so excited to hear what's new with your girls. I won't be able to really read any backstories, so please excuse...

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Worst snowboarding collision I have ever sustained.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 26 Desember 2011 0 komentar
I took the girls skiing and after some runs with them, left them w/ grandpa and dad to go run some on my own. Balls out on double black diamonds. I rocked it. Switched with the boys and took the girls while they ran some run. We all reunite and take a few more runs down on the easiest of greens. I'm circling allie as she makes it down and I'm a little ...ahead of her when a little kid, out of nowhere,...

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Surgery #23

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 13 Desember 2011 0 komentar
(first off, thanks for giving me the links to your blogs. I'm going to get them in my reader and start reading!)It may not be #23 if some other wacky thing happens to me before then, but I know this surgery is in the future for me.Long story much shorter in easy to read bullets ...~ A few months ago, I suddenly got this feeling in my right ear. It felt like it was a bug. Horrible. Doc checked, no...

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The Favor ... (Sticky Post - new ones below!)

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Desember 2011 0 komentar
(there is a new blog entry under this sticky note!)I'm going to "sticky" this note here for a little while, hoping to get more comments over a bit of time ...If you don't want to read me explain ad nauseam about the whys of my favor, just skip to the bottom.Here it goes. After many empty declarations on my part to start reading blogs again, I have failed to do it. WHY? It's because of the one thing...

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Bloggemies and Faking It:

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
How to seem like a better person without actually improving yourself.The above is the book I picked up yesterday when I was out xmas shopping. It cracked me up so hard that it only took a matter of a second before i determined it to be mine.A lame thing about slowing down to sloth speed in blogging efforts? You no longer have haters. I always knew I was blogging often enough when I had bloggemies....

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whoa dude. not cool coincidences.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 28 November 2011 0 komentar
Last week here in town, a woman's body was found burning at a local trail head. It was found out to be an 87 year old local woman. She wasn't your typical 87 yr old granny. She was still very active and enjoyed things like facebook, which she was on a lot.Anywho, it seems it was a burglary gone awry. (well, i guess her death may have been planned, i have no idea yet.) It looks like a random burglary...

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(In)Fertility statistics.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 27 November 2011 0 komentar
I was watching GWLBWLB tonight and I heard one girl say "25% of couples will get pregnant on their first try".And after rolling my eyes, I tried to access my infertility stats section of my memory vault and realized that someone had broken in and stole everything of value.There are a TON of general and very detailed statistics out there regarding fertility and infertility. Help me out and comment...

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i like big butts and i cannot lie

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 16 November 2011 0 komentar
and I know you other brothers can't deny.quick blog post here. I'm on a vinyl kick and running through my collections. It's not a ~huge~ selection, but let's say is isn't a tiny bit either. I have a couple of hundred records - lp and 7".My comment today is - there isn't really any great vinyl selection here in my town. It used to be stinkweeks and eastside records, but not anymore. (heh - I still...

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11 years old. Whoa. And have you seen francis bean?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 November 2011 0 komentar
I've been playing some really old music lately, delving into a lot of things I grew up listening to. The violent femmes, as you can tell from my last post, is one of those bands. I was at a stop light, looking at the cd itself. And then I saw it. 1983. Holy shit. I was ELEVEN. That's a long time ago for me, I'm not a spring chicken. Although I didn't listen to them until I was 14. I distinctly remember...

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Vanity Plates

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011 0 komentar
First off, I hate that customized plates are called vanity plates. I'm not wanting a plate that says "I'm awesome".But I did just send in for a set. First request "punkroc", second is "overfed".I love the first one, but the second one? oh man, it makes me laugh everytime I see it. Everytime there is a car behind me at a fast food drive thru line, they'll be all "great. this is giong to take forever".i'm...

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You can just kiss off

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011 0 komentar
I take one, one, one cause you left me and Two, two, two for my family and 3, 3, 3 for my heartache and 4, 4, 4 for my headaches and 5, 5, 5 for my lonely and 6, 6, 6 for my sorrow and 7, 7, for no tomorrow and8, 8, I forget what 8 was for and 9, 9, 9 for a lost god and10, 10, 10, 10 for everything!Oh yeah well don't get so distressed Did I happen to mention that I'm impress...

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Yes, In fact I ~did~ order fries with my shake.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011 0 komentar
And give me a hot apple pie with my value meal ...I downloaded fat booth and I can't stop laughing. These pictures are fucking awesome. (I'm sorry if this is offensive to anyone. I know it's wrong, I willfully admit I have a character flaw.)Just for proof, this is a pre-booth pic ...

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No Purchase Necessary

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011 0 komentar
Why do companies have to have a "no purchase necessary" clause in their contracts?I'm sure there is some legal precedence here and I could simply look it up, but I'm like most americans and I'm lazy. I'm sure someone sued because they declared not getting a "1 in 4 WINS!" game token from some fast food chain without buying something was unconsitutional or something. The place running the contest is...

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If you can identify with any of the below ...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 September 2011 0 komentar
... you most likely have the ability to irritate the hell out of me. (welcome back miss schnarky.)1. ~ I've mentioned it before, magicians. I loathe magicians. Not because I can't figure out how they did something. It's because their whole persona is acting like they really are, in fact, magical. If they would just say "hey, i got this fucking cool slight of hand thing to show you but I won't tell...

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i just got back from skateboarding.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 18 September 2011 0 komentar
guess what? I'm no longer 18 years old. damn ...

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You. Have. To. Be. Joking.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 08 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
I haven't blogged in awhile because work, kids, leprosy, alien abduction . But I have something to be schnarky about. I doubt anyone will really care about this either, but oh well, I gotta start somehow right?I work for a company that has about 45,000 union employees. This weekend, that union decided to strike until the company bends to their demands. Hrm. Isn't this really just a 'legal' extortion...

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dealth of kurt. flash. the 27 club.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 15 Juli 2011 0 komentar
kurt cobain died 17 years ago. FUCKING 17 years ago. That's ridiculous. My brain can't even get around the 17 years. I remember when I heard. I was in my office (job i had during college) and I just the door and just sat in silence. i was pissed. very very angry. how could he leave us? and then it hit me that he was in the fucking 27 club which he used to say he wanted in on. 27 was just too young....

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Rest in Peace Ryan.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 20 Juni 2011 0 komentar
You were my favorite jackass. Of course the world would take you first although all of you tempted fate. (not that i wanted someone else to go first).i will mis you ry...

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The "I'm a jackass" hand wave.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 13 Juni 2011 0 komentar
We have all had moments of being a jackass driver. We may accidentally cut someone off. Sometimes we try to change lanes without looking first and almost side swipe someone. Maybe we brake too hard when a turn comes sooner than we first expected, making the car behind us have to slam on their brakes. Of course, if you aren't a ridiculously stupid driver, these moments are far and few between of one...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 09 Juni 2011 0 komentar
Let me preface this that I'm not a howard hughes type of non functioning germ aphobics. But I do have my fair share of things that flip me out.In no particular order...1. using a public telephone. Who knows what kind of spittle came out on the receiver?2. Elevator buttons. I mean, how often to you see someone clean them? And the tens of thoughsands of people who touch them each day.3. Using smoeone...

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And the survey says ...

Posted by Unknown Senin, 06 Juni 2011 0 komentar
It was a trick question, they all happened to me in the last month. I can't believe so many of you quessed it right!! Heh. And I thought I was being all sneaky too! You guys know me too we...

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suck my jolly rancher.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 03 Juni 2011 0 komentar
Mmmmmm. Jolly ranchers. The guy who site next to me at work has a huge fishbowl full of them. And it made me realize I have no will power when it comes to free candy.I want to conduct a little poll. Please give your answer in the comments...What craptastic event in the following list has ~not~ happened to me in the past month or so?A. I developed a case of infantigo, most common in children, or folliculitis...

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It has all been washed.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Maret 2011 0 komentar
In thinking about my last post, I skeeved myself out and washed every piece of my lingerie that was hand washable. Even though I only wore some of those two minute pieces for literally under a dozen or so minutes in their lifetime, it all went in for a good handwashing cycle. (I ~did~ always wash the panties by the way, I made it sound as if those didn't get washed!). The only items I have left to...

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Three types of lingerie.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 28 Februari 2011 0 komentar
The way I figure it, there are three types of lingerie.1. Your everyday bras and panties. The ones you wear to work or under your casual clothes. I don't have "period panties" per se, I simply wear my everyday panties, so I guess those would fit into this category.2. Special underwear. The type you'd wear under an outfit when you are going on a date. Or under something sexy. These usually are matching...

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Twenty three inches

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011 0 komentar
The mountain got 23" in the last 24 hours. I'm heading up to the mountain now. Yahoo!I ~love~ snowboarding!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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My life.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 22 Februari 2011 0 komentar
Jeez Loise. My life has been hectic.I still have three packages sitting here of clothes I need to send out. I still have four boxes of shirts I have to go through for a 4th person who wants clothes sent out to them. I still have a package of two cans of similac sitting here to send out. (I still have 1 can of enfamil unclaimed. If you want it, let me know!)All I have done is take care of little sickos...

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Formula giveaway.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 17 Februari 2011 0 komentar
I posted about a few cans of formula I have to give away on my other blog (listed in my profile) and no one has responded. If you are interested, take a look.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Is it too much to ask?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 Februari 2011 0 komentar
Is it too much to ask clothes companies to come up with a standard of sizing? I just went through my 50+ pairs of jeans, cords, chinos and dress pants. I'm a solid size 6 and you'd think it would be as easy as sorting out the sizes. But noooo. Some size 6's were falling off me and some were so tight it gave me a muffin top. So now my closet has a few size 2's (ok, that number just makes me giddy so...

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Is that all you have to talk about? The weather?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 03 Februari 2011 0 komentar
Nah. But it has been interesting. Like the fact it is going to be 82 degrees ~warmer~ here tomorrow than it was three days prior.Okay, that's a little bit of a lie. I'm using the windchill temps instead of the real temp. It only got down to -17 degrees, not the -36 degree windchill. But I looked up what the windchill really means so I'm understanding it more. I guess 53 degrees is more accurate. Whatever...

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Holy moly.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 01 Februari 2011 0 komentar
I just went to get gas. I knew it was cold, but the sky was clear and it was nice and sunny, so it didn't look that bad.I wore cords, shirt, sweater, winter coat, gloves, hat and a scarf. I let my car run for 20 minutes before I left to get it warmed up. But when we got in the car, it was still cold. By the time it took me to run my bard through the pump, select grade, get the pump into my car, to...

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It's getting hot in here ...

Posted by Unknown Senin, 31 Januari 2011 0 komentar
Over the weekend, we were in the 60's here in colorado. What temps for January! But tomorrow? The ~high~ will be -3 with an expected windchill of -17. I know many parts of the nation knows this kind of cold, but not me! Apparently not the schools either. I spoke to the principal today and he is expecting to close the school tomorrow. Where is my hot chocolate?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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The job search dull drums.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 30 Januari 2011 0 komentar
Dude.Can I say that again? Dude.Looking for a job right now sucks the big one. I went to a job fair for IBM last week and thousands of people showed up. I got there around 1:30 for the open house running from 10a - 4p. There were about 150 people ahead of me in line, and that was just to get into the event. Once inside, there were hundreds more packed into a banquet room, waiting for a chance at a...

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A favor I humbly ask of you.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011 0 komentar
I'm going to "sticky" this note here for a little while, hoping to get more comments over a bit of time ...(If you don't want to read me explain ad nauseam about the whys of my favor, just skip to the bottom.)Here it goes. After many empty declarations on my part to start reading blogs again, I have failed to do it. WHY? It's because of the one thing that would seem like THE most helpful aspect of...

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