Kamis, 09 Juni 2011
In no particular order...
1. using a public telephone. Who knows what kind of spittle came out on the receiver?
2. Elevator buttons. I mean, how often to you see someone clean them? And the tens of thoughsands of people who touch them each day.
3. Using smoeone elses head set to talk on the phone. How much wax do you think is saturated in the earpiece?
4. A keyboard on computer in a public place. This goes with and other office suplies you may be forced to use.
5. sink handles. I wash my hands with soap and water, but I dodn't want tp touch the faceut handle. I mean, hell - the reason people turn these on is because their hands are dirty after going to the bathroom.
6. Speaking of, watching someone walk out of the backroom without washing. I tend to say "missing something" as they walk out. That person will for always gross me out.
7. How could I forget?? The worst one for me is using the pen (or stylus) at the counter of the pharmacy. This people are actually sick and then we use the exact same pen they use in to pickup their perscriptions.
8. Toilet splashing. You are going #2 in a puclic place and whatever you drop out, makes a splash. NOW all of the toilet water sprays onto your butt. This may be one of the worst.
9. Don't touch ~my~ bathtowel. Please.
10. Nope, in my head, this triumphs over #7. Using earphones after anybody else. It's obviously worse if you didn't know this person, but uuuhhhgggg. It makes me shudder. Ear Wax is nasty.
Judul: Germs.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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