A few questions for you ...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 September 2010 0 komentar
I love learning about my fellow bloggers, so if you have time, please take a moment and answer this little survey? I'll answer myself in the comment section.1. What shoes are you wearing right now?2. What are your favorite shoes?3. What was the last cd, album, song, piece of music you purchased?4. What was the last concert/show you went to?5. If you could meet and band/singer (dead or alive), who...

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Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 September 2010 0 komentar
We all know my personal opinion on how I feel about cosleeping with an infant, but this post isn't about that (whew! I know! Not another nancy-on-her-soapbox-post!)I have a totally different opinion about cosleeping with a toddler or older children. I love it!When one of the girls has a nightmare or just wakes up scared of the dark, they come to us in bed and gets in. This period of cuddletime is...

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Let me talk about the weather.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I know, super fun topic, huh?Colorado weather is weird. It always has and always will. But I do love it. It just takes some getting used to. After 13 years, you'd think I ~was~ used to it though.It is unseasonably warm right now. High today will be 85. Which sucks. See, although 85 doesn't seem hot, we don't have air conditioning. (most older homes in Colorado don't have a/c. it's not just us) So...

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Another weekend is over.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 12 September 2010 0 komentar
Its Sunday night, another weekend is over. Although since I'm not working, it doesn't really matter what day it is. Except I get to spend time with my fabulous husband on saturday and Sunday.Today was my day "off". Tom went to a football game yesterday from like 10am - 7pm so he wanted to reciprocate and give me a day off too. Except it didn't turn out that way. I went grocery shopping with all three...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Has anyone seen any good movies lately? I'm thinking of going to go see inception. Thoughts?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Bitchy or schnarky?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 11 September 2010 0 komentar
I've been awfully bitchy and judgmental lately. I will be the first to admit it. Its like I want the world to follow my rules. I need to get a better attitude!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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A fine line.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 10 September 2010 0 komentar
There is a fine line between tooting your own horn and bragging. Tooting one's own horn is just sharing something the writer is proud of. Then there is flat out bragging. The latter has been irritating me in some of the blogs I've been reading. Sure, you're happy about this and that. I get that. Hell, I do it myself. But we don't need to hear about it in every post. We get it. You're happy about x,...

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The hunt is on.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 09 September 2010 0 komentar
I have finally gotten my shit together and I'm now officially hunting for a job. Its scary out there, I hope so badly that I get one fairly soon. I really should of started earlier but I just wasn't ready. Now I am.Wish me luck girls! I really really really need some.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Dear pregnancy gods...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 07 September 2010 0 komentar
If you are listening, please help my dear Shayna get her bfp she has dreamed about. I know you've given out some well deserved pregnancies lately, like tigger and Emily. They worked for years for it and you finally pulled through for them. Shayna has been trying for years and years and I think its her turn.So please, can you send out one more for a deserving woman? Pretty please?Sent from my Verizon...

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I'm losing it!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm down another two pounds this week. Yay! I'm sitting at 136 lbs. So I've lost 14 lbs on my diet so far.I shouldn't say diet, since I'm still eating anything I want. I'm just eating less of it. Portion control is where its at. It takes awhile for your body to get used to it and I didn't lose any weight for the first 3-4 weeks, but now its just melting off. I'm glad I stuck with it. Only 6 more pounds...

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I had to call 911 for my husband.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 06 September 2010 0 komentar
Yesterday my husband had a hard day. We were in the garage getting things together to go to the balloon festival and I heard something hit the washing machine. I assumed my husband dropped something. Five seconds later I turn to look for him and he is in the floor, having a seizure.As quickly as it started, it was over. He hopped up telling me he was okay. But then he started feeling shaky and really...

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