is it because something ~i~ did?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 Maret 2010 0 komentar
My kids are good sleepers. Scratch that. Other than Allison, my babies were good sleepers. I'm tired tonight and I'm laying in bed listening to my little boy sing to himself, play with the crib gym and aquarium. And I think about how I just put them down to sleep and they'd go to sleep after some time or immediately. Even allie would go right to sleep, her problem was staying asleep.So I wonder, CAN...

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Tomorrow morning is my big "what's next?" back appointment.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 22 Maret 2010 0 komentar
You may remember me calling my newest back doctor, "dr love", because I was in love with him - due to him knowing what was wrong with my back. At that time, he said there was a lot that could be done - all the way to surgery for fusing the vertebrae together to facet joint replacement. Since then, he's sent me to Physical Therapy (which he's since stopped, knowing it's not going to help my problem)...

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The worst nickname ever.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 21 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Back in high school / college, I skateboarded. One day I feel hard and got some major road rash on my knee. All my skin was scraped off my knee and developed into a huge scab. Whenever I'd walk, it would crack and bleed. It was horrible.Just days after, I went to a party. I had my plastic cup of beer and was sitting on the couch with my leg up on the coffee table, trying not to bend it. A friend of...

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Lots of blogging and laundry.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010 0 komentar
I am trying to get back on track with blogging, so I am hereby declaring I will be blogging every day to every other day. There. I got it out there. Now I have to do it!And my topic for today? Laundry. Mundane. Run of the mill. Everyday. Boring. Laundry. What a way to start out a big blogging kick!I separate loads into:~ whites (hot)~ lights (warm)~ heavy lights - as in sweatshirts, pants, etc. (warm)~...

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My knee is killing me.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 19 Maret 2010 0 komentar
oh. my. god. ~ouch~I thought my cyst was going away, as it's smaller, but now the area under and behind my knee is killing me. It's about as big as the area of your hand and it constantly hurts. I've been icing it to try to help get the pain under control.I wonder if this is in connection with the cyst. ~shrug~ All I care about is it gets better pronto. This suc...

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Sling Dangers ...

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Did you just see the news about the 7 day old baby who was suffocated in a sling? ~tragic~See, babies don't have the lung power to clear the carbon monoxide from small places. Blankets/materials don't have to be against the baby's face, even small clear spaces are so dangerous. This is why co-sleeping is a danger. You can be so careful to have blankets/pillows away from the babies face, but if the...

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What the hell is today? Tuesday?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 09 Maret 2010 0 komentar
I'm losing track of days. How terrible.Anywho, thanks to Alina and Erica who diagnosed me correctly - the lump in my knee? it's a Baker Cyst. I guess it's pretty normal and will either go away on it's own, rupture, we can have it aspirated or surgically removed. It's still the same shape as it was before, maybe even smaller now, so my idea is to leave it alone and it'll just go away. I don't notice...

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I found a lump.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 Maret 2010 0 komentar
There is a spot on the back of my knee (in the "knee-pit") which has been bothering me for a few weeks. I could feel something when I walked, but couldn't feel anything. As time went on, the spot had become more painful. My knee has become a tad weaker in stride. And I feel something in there popping back and forth along the tendon while I walk. Last night, I found it. The lump.It's as big as an...

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The house is on fire.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 01 Maret 2010 0 komentar
I have been having some bad luck with fire in my house. First I almost burn the house down making a pop-tart, and last night, my light switch tries to do the same thing.Last evening, I was doing laundry (washer/dryer is in the garage) and every time I went outside and flipped on the light, I heard a weird noise coming from the light switch. Hrm. I thought nothing of it and continued on my way. But...

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