A little explanation about the giving/getting

Posted by Unknown Senin, 28 Desember 2009 0 komentar
My entire point about giving/getting meant that for every GIVE out there, it was a GET to someone. So in the end, it's ALWAYS about getting - regardless of the ~who~ gets the getting. I think it's great to give to others who may need it (i give way more than i get in return) but at the end of the giving, it's a get.

Anywho - just didn't want you all to think ~I~ was all about getting. Just that giving, in its definiton, is about someone GETTING. So it IS about the getting (and all the giving it takes to make those getting get!)

And if you are wondering where I am or will be the next few days - check out my other blog.

(a little private message to marieke ... ~smooches~ !!)
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