What my new job should be.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I want the state, no, Federal government to create a new job position for me. Director of Bad Driver Pointer Outer. Yes. I want to be the official person to point out dumb ass slow drivers and take away their licences. My opinion will be it. No appeals. No arguing. If I catch you driving stupid and/or slow, that's it. No licence forever.

There's ~one~ exception though. The use of the "I'm-a-dumbass" hand movement. We all get distracted and make stupid mistakes driving. We swerve, we cut off, we just do stupid things. IF, and only if you raise your hand and wave after doing something, therefore using the aforementioned "I'm-a-dumbass" hand wave, you will be absolved.

I'm going to put together my resume right now.

(by the way, thank you to all who have answered my last post. The comments are overwhelming and I'm just happy as ever to have gotten the response that I have! If you haven't responded yet, please do so!)
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