Trick or Treat now? Are you kidding me?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I was just sitting outside on the ~side~ of my house bagging some newspapers for recycling, complete with a clay facial mask on, and two adults carrying their little girl, no more than 18 months old, came up and said "trick or treat".It's 10:45pm here people. And 39 degrees. Are you serious? Take your little girl home and put her to bed. It's just too late for free can...

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It's over and done with.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I did it!!! I danced in front of an entire room of people. I was terrified, yet once my music started, my body knew what to do. I think. Heh. On stage, I just went into auto pilot and I'm not too sure how well I even did.The night kinda sucked in time wise. On of my best friend's and fellow blogger, Laurel, put on her HUGE yearly Halloween party last night. I was able to attend the party from 7p-9p,...

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I ~got~ this routine.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Tonight's the big night.It's Laurel's big halloween party AND it's my night to dance to my burlesque routine. Woohoo!!!I think I'm ready. Y...

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I want a baby.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I just wrote another post on my other blog and I said "I know my audience". Yet I type the above title and write this post. Jeez, I can barely get started because I'm wincing at all the "fuck you"'s I'm about to receive. So really, just stop reading if you are in the throws of IF. Stop. Really. You aren't going to want to read this. I am having a really hard time reading pregnancy blogs right now....

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Cortisone and your cycle.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Having back and knee issues for years, I've gotten some cortisone injections in the past. This last injection was the first time a doctor mentioned anything about my cycle.He said that cortisone is known to "mess with" your menstrual cycle. "Mess with"? I asked?, "How so?". He tried to answer me, starting and stopping a few times and then just said "Yes, it can be messed with."I'm so glad he told...

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My new header and other tidbits.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Do you know what the new header is a picture of? It's my elbow. My husband didn't even know that one. I showed it to him and he was all "Cool!" and I asked him if he knew what it was and he said "Nope." I guess I can't fault the guy, I mean, how many people really look at your elbow?Today is Wednesday and my burlesque dance is Friday. Tomorrow if full dress rehersal. I have not only NOT gotten a dance...

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Happy Tuesday!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I have nothing really blog worthy in my head, but I wanted to get that last post off the top. We're in the midst of October's ICLW and just didn't want that one there anymore.Hrm. My favorite color is orange. What's your favorite col...

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Posted by Unknown Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I read Jenera's blog today about the topic of abortion and I haven't been able to shake it. She spoke of a story about a woman who wrote a book about the 15 abortions she had and even called herself an addict to abortion. I can't really tell you more about it, as I had to click away before even finishing the article cause it pissed me off so much. (Here is a link to her blog post about it, so you...

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13 years.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Today marks 13 years clean of my demon, heroin. I'd like to thank my body for giving me a 2nd chance and to really prove I could make something out of ...

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'Cause this is Thriller, ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
... thriller night.I took part in Thrill The World tonight. Our burlesque troupe put on the event for the Colorado Springs group. It was the world's largest simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's Thriller. And tonight, I was part of it.Funny, just as I was typing this, I saw a commercial for the news spot tonight. They showed the main guy I was dancing behind, so I wonder if I'll be on the news.We...

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Tell me about your loss, your child.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Thank you, ALL of you, for commenting with suggestions as what to do about my friend's loss. So many of you were so helpful, going out of your way to talk to me about your personal experiences and it meant a lot to me. So thank you. I wish we didn't live in a world where people had to feel such pain, every story is still heartbreaking to me like it's the first time I hear of it. Maybe I've become...

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I need help regarding stillbirth.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I have an acquaintance (one of the girls' past daycare teachers) who had a stillbirth two days ago. Four days ago, she stopped off at my house when she saw me and the kids sitting outside in the warm Colorado sun and we talked about her impending birth. I touched her growing belly and we discussed how she was "done" having babies because this was her second child, a boy, and her first was a girl....

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The Painted Lady

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Yes, I was full body painted on Saturday night. And no, I'm not posting pictures. Okay, maybe one.I took it myself so it's not that great. But the ONLY things I'm wearing are panties, shoes and my arm/neck cuffs. Everything else, including the fishnets, are painted on. (The pasties over my nipples couldn't be seen, except with the flash of the camera).It took some guts but also was invigorating. To...

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Goings on.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
First off, Happy ~30th~ Birthday Jenn! It's a big day for her and you should all head over there and give her a happy birthday wish!I'm excited for burlesque class tonight. I don't actually know what we'll be doing, except going over Thriller, but I hope we get to practice Bombshell.Did I mention thriller? We're part of "thrill the world" which is a try to get into the guinness book of world's records...

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What my new job should be.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I want the state, no, Federal government to create a new job position for me. Director of Bad Driver Pointer Outer. Yes. I want to be the official person to point out dumb ass slow drivers and take away their licences. My opinion will be it. No appeals. No arguing. If I catch you driving stupid and/or slow, that's it. No licence forever.There's ~one~ exception though. The use of the "I'm-a-dumbass"...

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Can I ask a favor of you all?

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
I have a ~big~ favor to ask of you. One of my best friends recently sent me some blank stationary and asked me to write something about her. A memory, an opinion of her, anything. I filled it out and sent it back to her. I thought it was such a fabulous idea, as she is putting them all in a little memory book for her to look back on.I would LOVE to do this myself. I'm going to send the same to my...

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A schnarky one.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Wait. I will get to the schnarkiness but I wanted to mention a few things about my trip and real life meet up of two bloggers in LA. First off, I met Brandi for lunch last Friday. Yay! It was so fun and I drank a few glasses of wine. Yes, in the middle of the day. Had the BEST salad ever (i should of gotten the dinner portion) and had great conversation. I didn't even think of taking a picture because...

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The one word award.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Well, the award isn't one word. It's the "over the top" award and I received it from the awesome Photogrl who blogs at Not The Path I Chose.I was secretly ~dying~ to do this one but no one was giving me an award. Until now. YAY!Here are the rules: 1. you can only use one word!2. pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers (which I'm not adding right now, so please just DO IT if you read this one!)3....

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Fedex sucks assholes.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Fuckers. Remember to write down your confirmation number because when they just fail to show up, without the number, you are FUCKED.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Victims of Infertility

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This was my guest post on Poltzie's blog a few weeks ago. It was something I really wanted to write about and even though I posted it over there, I wanted to discuss it here with all of you. Forgive me if you already read it, but I do want to see your comments.-- I start this story with the history of my IF and what I went through, culminating into the point of this post and a request for feedback....

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What's next?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Bad luck comes in 3s right?I was in the midst of doing a favor and went to my brother's house, 15 miles away, to pick up his mail to get a check he needed deposited while on his 10 day cruise. I'm currently sick with a fever and got all three kids in the car to make the trip. Check in hand, I drive to the only branch this bank has in town. A big triangle is what the route is taking me on, but I had...

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We now interrupt a post from Nancy ...

Posted by Unknown Senin, 05 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
... to bring you a post from Lori. I swear I didn't get a post from her on Thursday, so I must've missed it (sorry Lori!) and I wanted to get this in. So read this and the last 3 guest posts please (read about ugly men making better sperm, abortion choices when it's not your embryo on board and a sweet ttc success story) and I'll be back tomorrow to tell you all about my fabulous trip, the 2 bloggers...

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Sunday's Guest Blogger ... Lori! ... Nope, It's Elana!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Lori didn't get me a post (booo!) so instead, I offer you Elana ..."What to get pregnant? Find an ugly man" Hi everyone! I'm Elana from Elana's Musings (, and I am Nancy's guest blogger today! I got an email from the other day, and I just really need to share it with you all. Here it goes:"Women wanting to get pregnant should find themselves an ugly man, new...

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Saturday's Guest Blogger ... Mareike!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Many of you have likely heard about this: A couple in Ohio elected to have a fourth child using their frozen embryos. On the day they learned that the woman was pregnant they also learned that another couple's embryos had been implanted. They had the option of aborting the fetus but elected to carry the baby boy to term and then hand him over to his biological parents. I'm interested in all of...

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Friday's Guest Blogger ... Jenn!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
hello everyone- i'm jenn from the oasis here to guest blog for nancy. let me preface this with saying that i never capitalize anything in my blog- so i apologize (especially to nancy the queen of grammar!) if it's hard or frustrating to read. chalk it up to laziness as my blog is really my place to vent all the stuff in my head, both profound (not usually) and mundane (much more typically!). i write...

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Guest Bloggers?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
First off, I was a guest blogger on Poltzie's blog last week while she was in Vegas. I wrote a post called "Victims of Infertility" and I would appreciate if you read it. If you head over there, don't forget to check out her other posts. She's got some really cute pictures up from her trip to Vegas!So. I'm going to be out of town tomorrow - sunday. And I'm looking for 3 guest bloggers. If you want...

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