Home Depot and other fun things.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Eden, Home Depot is a home improvement store here and in canada. Not sure where else it is, apparently you don't have one of this brand name.

I don't know what it is about home depot I love so much. I just walk in there for a specific item and through wandering the rows and rows of 20ft industrial sized shelves in this warehouse, I just feel so inspired to DO something with my house. Of course, I'm too busy to attempt a home improvement project ("painting the shed" has been on my list with ~each~ of my leaves, still in todo form), yet that store gets me.

And obviously, it gets to chicklet too, as we have a very long running joke about home depot. I don't even know how it started, but it's mentioned in at least 50% of our comments to one another, usually in very inappropriate situations. "Oh, you got a BFN? Maybe you can go to home depot and buy the parts to build a baby". See what I mean? Inappropriate with a capital 'I'. But chicklet gets it so that's all that matters.


It's been a week since I blogged. Nothing really has been going on, I've just not been inspired to say anything. I'm slowly trying to get through my blog list, trying to comment where I need to leave some comments. (and what's with my favorite bloggers typing HUGE fucking blog posts while I'm slacking? HUGE in themselves and/or HUGE in the number of posts themselves. I can't keep up. I'm unworthy.)


Mareike? Where the fuck are you? (like i'm the one to talk, right?)


Hrm. I'm getting really excited for the Mile High Music Fest. Check out the lineup. The Black Keys! Tool! Incubus! Ben Harper!


I'm also not sure what to do. I was going to vans warped tour, but kings of leon are playing same night at red rocks. I don't know what to do. Ugh.


Oh, and DCFC is playing again at red rocks. And I'm rocking the guest list. Yay.


My derby wife just called me "snarky" tonight, without knowing I use the word "schnarky". See why she's my wifey?


No word on surgery date yet. Seems they are busy, expecting call tomorrow.


I wonder how much I weigh. I've been feeling really skinny and I tried to put on my "skinny jeans" (jeans I wear when I'm thin, not skinny jeans - I hate those), which aren't really that skinny to be honest, they are seven for all mankind size 27s (what's that equal to? Like a size 4? Which are really skinny for ~me~. I don't think my skeleton could be a size 0-2.) and they do not fit. I could get them on, but no zipping/buttoning the top for me. So the 29s is where I'm sitting at the moment. I didn't realize quite how many sevens I had - I have them in all sizes 27-31. Hey, at least I have nice jeans no matter how much I eat, eh? I think I'm still 134lbs and I was wearing the small jeans at 120-125. yeah. Not going to happen.


Blah. I really have nothing more. Things around the internet/message boards has really been bothering me lately so I'm just going to let it go. Yeah, ME, letting something go without getting schnarky about it. How's that for something new?
Judul: Home Depot and other fun things.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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