Botox baby!
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
It's been a known fact I ~will~ be getting a facelift when I'm in my 40s. My mother is a very wrinkly woman and I can already see too many on my own face. I already am obsessed with lifting up the sides of my cheeks to see what it would look like when I'm looking in a mirror (and my husband laughs at me each time).
I know of a cosmetic doctor whom I discussed my vanity with. We talked a few times and she has me interested in Radiesse, which is a filler like restylane, but I think it's better. I want it to go under my cheek bones, lifting up my cheek to chin area, just a teeny bit. It's a little pricey, about $700/syringe (I'd need 1 - 1 1/2 syringes for the job) so it's been something I've put on my to-do list.
Well, recently I was told there was an upcoming special on the pricing, an actual 'buy one get one 'sale' on the filler themselves. I would be saving $700! Yay! And what's cool is what isn't used can be saved for the next session (this lasts about 12-18 months) so I'm pretty excited. Today is the day of the appointment and it's now or never. (okay, maybe not that dramatic) The added bonus is the clinic is running a "12 month same as cash" financing, so I won't have to pay much out of pocket at all. And I'm really good at taking a larger debt and paying monthly payments, avoiding finance fees.
Oh yeah, while I'm at it and financing this (which isn't really that expensive, so I can always just pay the whole thing at anytime) I'm going to go ahead and get botox too. I've always wanted to see what that was like, so why the hell not. I'm getting botox on my forehead and the sides of my eyes and I'm getting the filler in my cheeks and between my eyes.
I'm pretty nervous about the pain. The doc said it hurts. Ugh. I'm really not wanting anymore pain right now, but what the hell. I'm sure I'm tougher than many of the rich chicks who get shit like this done all the time, right?
My appointment is in 3 hours. I'll post before and after pictures. Unless, of course, something goes horribly wrong and I end up looking like a train wreck.
Judul: Botox baby!
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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