This is what unemployed Nancy looks like...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 30 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I hide it quite well, don't I? (especially with some fantastic cheekbones, eh?)Thank you for all your well wishes and "fuck them!" comments. I totally appreciate it. To answer the questions ...~ Will you and your family be okay?-- I'm sure we will be. We have great support from our families, both mine and hubby's, so no matter what, we'll be okay.~ Is it temporary?-- I'm not too sure what this means....

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I've decided to be a hobo.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I am, however, worried about my choice of colors for my hankerchief. Would picking red mean I was associated with that ga...

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I just got laid off.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 26 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Awesome.12 years with a company and they just let you go like you are nothi...

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Needing new batteries for my vibrator!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 25 Juni 2009 0 komentar
After a call one night, I came so hard I fell asleep right after! I left my vibrator on and everything. When I woke up in the morning and stood up, the vibrator fell out from beneath my panties and onto the floor! It was completely dead. Who knows how many orgasms I had in my sleep. But there was a huge wet spot on my sheets that won't come out!From all this wild phone sex so far, I need new sheets...

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No botox, filler for cheekbones and is there a lawyer in the house?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 24 Juni 2009 0 komentar
(I do have an important legal question at the end, so if anyone has experience in this area, I would be so appreciative if you read my question. Thanks!)It was decided I should not get botox while still nursing. The doc read up and came prepared with a bunch of data, but he said it wasn't completely well tested yet and he suggested I wait. He did say if I ~really~ wanted it, he could see doing some,...

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Botox baby!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 23 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I'm vain. And I'm getting older.It's been a known fact I ~will~ be getting a facelift when I'm in my 40s. My mother is a very wrinkly woman and I can already see too many on my own face. I already am obsessed with lifting up the sides of my cheeks to see what it would look like when I'm looking in a mirror (and my husband laughs at me each time).I know of a cosmetic doctor whom I discussed my vanity...

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Taking a long, slow breath.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 22 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I'm back. I think.Immediately following a very successful surgery on Friday afternoon (hot, eh?) ...... my husband packed me up into the car along with the other family members and drove us off to Salida so we could go to fibark.The weekend started out great, not only because I had a total nerve block for my foot and had ~zero~ pain, but some of our best friends, Pete & Laurel, came up and stayed...

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the i.v. is in.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 19 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I am all ready to be wheeled back. i'll take a picture and post it later.Off to dreamy land soon. I wonder when they will take my blackberry. The nurse is talking to the grown man next door like a child. "keep your undies and sockies on!" I want to say something smartass.I know. Me. Smartass. Go figure.Kym. Eden. Chicklet. Pam. Jenn. Kat. Jen. Shit, doc is here writing in my chart. I don't get to...

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surgery day!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Today is surgery day, which means I'm home! I arrived yesterday afternoon exhausted. Now I wake up to remember I can't eat or drink until my 1:45 surgery, meaning I won't be eating until at least 5pm. Booo.Lots to get done so again, I'm being a lame blogger. But at least there's an update. I have ~so~ many people to catch up on! Oy V...

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change of plans

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 16 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I suddenly find myself in Florida. Tampa, to be exact. The weather is even more miserable, for me, here. Whew!Still on blackberry, will be able to communicate better soon.Congrats Sar...

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where is nancy?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 15 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Hi! I am on a business trip and ridiculously busy. Flew in on red eye saturday night, working from early morning until time for bed. I am exhausted. East coast weather is humid. Shit. My plane leaves for home Thursday morning.I may get some online time tomorrow or Wednesday, but for now, I am done, as I am typing this on my blackberry and its rather difficult.I have been offline for like a week, is...

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Home Depot and other fun things.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Eden, Home Depot is a home improvement store here and in canada. Not sure where else it is, apparently you don't have one of this brand name.I don't know what it is about home depot I love so much. I just walk in there for a specific item and through wandering the rows and rows of 20ft industrial sized shelves in this warehouse, I just feel so inspired to DO something with my house. Of course, I'm...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Hey chicklet, im on my way to home depot. Jealo...

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