Surgery #18? 19? (upd 11/2011)

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 15 April 2009 0 komentar
I have forgotten. Hell, let's add the up for fun. Now, I'm counting anything I was put under for - except oral surgery.

01. ~ (1976) fell off chair and had to get my girle parts fixed.
02. ~ (1992) tonsils out
03. ~ (January, 1999) right tib compound fracture while
        snowboarding. Awesome!
04. ~ (July, 1999) remove screws in my R knee
05. ~ (January, 2003) laproscopy for ttc - removed endo
06. ~ (June, 2004) scar tissue clean out, lateral release R knee
07. ~ (August, 2005) D&C for retained placenta after #2
08. ~ (December, 2005) scar tissue clean out, lateral release L knee
09. ~ (September, 2006) breast augmentation
10. ~ (October, 2006) cyst removed from deep within shoulder
11. ~ (July, 2007) uterine scar tissue removal #1 - lap and hysto
12. ~ (November, 2008) uterine scar tissue removal #2 - hysto
13. ~ (December, 2008) uterine scar tissue removal #3 - hysto
14. ~ (December, 2008) Foot fractured and reset with screws. Derby.
15. ~ (March 28, 2008) Egg Retrieval - and this totally counts as
16. ~ (January 10, 2009) Emergency D&C for retained placenta, cord
17. ~ (February 25, 2009) Sterilization under general anesthesia.
18. ~ (March 19, 2009) Gall Bladder Removal

Holy Moly!!! 18. And I'm about to add on:
19. ~ (Soon, 2009) Lap for scar tissue or possible twisted ovary.

I've been having some lower right sided pain - a sharp pain/cramp that is NOT going away. Saw OB last week for pelvic and it was all tender in there. He suspects endo or scar tissue from the gall bladder surgery since I had so many adhesions, it may have all connected down there. Or possibly my ovary is twisted (which sounds weird to me). So, in speaking with him, he's scheduling me in and I'm just waiting for the call when he tells me when I can get in. LAME. Should be nice and easy though. I asked to have it on a Thursday so I can be back in derby on Monday. And if you'd look above, I'm really really used to how long it takes me to recover from a lap.

I'm like a medical soap opera, eh? I was normal until 2003~ish - then all hell broke loose.

20. 2nd R foot surgery to remove hardware
21. (2012) Possible R ear surgery to fix Superior Canal Dehiscence

Oral Surgery w/ full anesthesia
22. (1986) Removal of teeth for braces
23. (1989) Removal of impacted wisdom teeth
24. (2003) ER stitching up cavity from tooth pull not clotting
25. (2010) Tooth removal from failed root canal

Procedures using IV 'twilight' sedation, but not full anesthesia
26. (2006) Facet joint of spine injection #1
27. (2006) Facet joint of spine injection #2
28. (2007) Nerve mapping of facet joint of lower spine
29. (2007) Radio frequency ablation #1
30. (2007) Radio frequency ablation #2
31. (2008) Radio frequency ablation #3
32. (2009) Radio frequency ablation #4
33. (2009) Radio frequency ablation #5
33. (2010) Radio frequency ablation #6
Judul: Surgery #18? 19? (upd 11/2011)
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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