Back when I was a stupid teenager.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 April 2009 0 komentar
I was just talking to one of my bestest friends Laurel (whom, by the way, is about to start a blog of her own! She's part of the IF/Loss community and many of you may know her from her comments here or to your own blog. Well, she's thinking of starting off her internet writing skills with an interior design blog, which I am stoked to start reading! When she starts it, I'll be linking to it here, so...

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The update. Now including an update!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 April 2009 0 komentar
The nurse called me back. The doctors were all stuck in surgery today so they wanted me to come down and see one of the NPs and if I needed to see a doctor, they could hook me up. I told them I didn't want to come down and I wasn't trying to get seen, but apparently I had no choice (yeah, yeah, you all would have given me no choice either!).My husband came home immediately and drove me in. I limped...

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The update of no updates.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
It's gotten worse and I've called the doctor. Except my doctor is not in today so I'm waiting for call from my Doc's nurse to be transferred to one of the nurse practitioners. And I'm not doing well waiting. I'll call back if no call within another hour.The swelling has gotten bigger and the bruising has gotten worse. The original "golf ball" can still be felt under there, very hard to the touch,...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 28 April 2009 0 komentar
Under incision, its swollen locally, literally like huge golfball under skin. It's starting to bruise like crazy too, which I would expect. I have never seen anything like this. Normal? It's not swollen anywhere else. I've had a lot of laparoscopies which means many incisions. It's never, EVER, done anything like this. It doesn't hurt anymore than I would think, but it's super scary looking. Let me...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
IV in and waiting for my slot. WooHoo to my nurse who got it started in one try! My iv record is 11 stic...

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It's surgery day.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Today is surgery day. Scheduled for 4:30pm MT with a 2:30p checkin. I have to leave in a little over an hour.The anxiety of waiting is the worst. Oh, and the not eating and drinking thing sucks t...

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Doesn't Sunday Feel Like it's the END of the Week?

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 26 April 2009 0 komentar
I never think of Sunday as the beginning of the week. In fact, there is an online calendar site I use to print out calendars for work to-do lists and they have an option to start the week off with a Monday. I wish wall calendars were like that. How can I get it changed? Who do I petition?It's been quite a weekend. Well, for an old chick like myself. I used to be able to party all week and still function...

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Super Wet Panty Special!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 24 April 2009 0 komentar
Hey there... I play in my panties so much. They get so wet! So if you would like a pair of my maternity panties or nursing bras. Just purchase a 30 minute call or longer with me and mention you want my bra or panties! I'll mail them the next day!Have you had sex with a pregnant cutie before? Let's have some yummy pregnant phone sex.I'm ready to be your hot single mom, naughty MILF next door, step...

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Repeat of "Scary Guy Pills"

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 22 April 2009 0 komentar
It's one of my older stories, but still a goody.I lived in central phoenix after college. Not quite the suburbs if you know what I mean.One day at lunch, I ran out to the bank to put in a deposit. I had to turn left into the bank and there was a lot of traffic. I pulled in the middle lane to wait for my turn. When I pulled into the lane, I was face to face with another car who was waiting for his...

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I'm excited to be on Horny Desperate Housewives!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 21 April 2009 0 komentar
Hi!!! I'm Claire... your super wett, pregnant cutie. I think about sex constantly. Do you want to stuff your cock deep into my juicy pregnant pussy? I want you to! Let's have some wild phone sex together! I have been dying to have someone to play with! Don't get scared off by the fact that I'm preggo! I looooove doggystyle and being on top! As well as kinky phone sex roleplays and fantasies.1-888-47-HORNY...

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Welcome ICLW kickoff!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Since it's day one, I'll do a little quickie about me. Then hopefully I will fill this week with funny stories. I haven't told "Scary Guy Pills" lately - it's a must read.10 things about me:1. I'm 36 years old and fucking HATE it. HATE it. Age used to never bug me because, well, it never interfered with anything. Now that I'm getting older, shit is changing on me and it's the first time I'm noticing...

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I don't know if I'll make it through the day

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 18 April 2009 0 komentar
without some kind of freak out. Maybe it'll be tearing my hair out, maybe it will involve sobbing, maybe I'll end up in the corner in a fetal position, laughing maniacally as I rock myself back and forth.I blogged about it on my other blog, so you can guess what it's all about. Here we go ...

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Snow Day!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 17 April 2009 0 komentar
Although I can work from home, I took a snow day today. We're supposed to get 10-12" of snow in the city, so I decided to just call in (because I don't have my new project yet anyway) and snuggle in. A good day just to get the laundry done, bake and do things like that, dontcha think? By the way - I'm starting to compile the list from my poll below - it's quite interesting so f...

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The doctor called

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 16 April 2009 0 komentar
He was kindof weird on the phone. He's the one who said surgery was my only option and if my ovary was, in fact, starting to slowly twist from the tightness of the scar tissue - he wanted to do it soon. But when he called last night, he was all "so, what exactly are you wanting me to do? Just laser off any endo/scar tissue? Remove your tube/ovary? uterus? Um. Yeah. I didn't go to medical school. I...

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Surgery #18? 19? (upd 11/2011)

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 15 April 2009 0 komentar
I have forgotten. Hell, let's add the up for fun. Now, I'm counting anything I was put under for - except oral surgery.01. ~ (1976) fell off chair and had to get my girle parts fixed.02. ~ (1992) tonsils out03. ~ (January, 1999) right tib compound fracture while        snowboarding. Awesome!04. ~ (July, 1999) remove screws in my R knee05. ~ (January, 2003) laproscopy...

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There are simply no words at times.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 14 April 2009 0 komentar
I just spent some time in reading about the loss of both Thalon and Maddie. I'm overcome.I'm linking to Lilith's blog which links to both the sites for Thalon and Maddie. Please read and suppo...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
omg.derby kicked my ass last night. kicked. my. ass.After 5 minutes of laps of stretching (squats, knees & knee drops), we have a new thing of "100 laps" which he wants us to complete in under 20 minutes. And it's hard. and I skated on the inside track with the newer girls (i haven't skated in a year) which means i had shorter laps to make. After that, I thought I was done. But, another 30 minutes...

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Where is this outfit acceptable?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 13 April 2009 0 komentar
Roller Derby!Did I mention I'm back in derby as of tonight? There was nothing better I could think of than being super fucking tired and emotionally spent than putting on my skates and allowing my coach to kick my ass.I like the socks though. (du...

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Looks like I had a flair for the dramatic.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was about to jump off a bridge or anything. I'm just simply tired. Physically and emotionally.Karl isn't sleeping yet. Although I hadn't been working on a real schedule, so it's mostly my fault. I let him sleep in his swing way too long and I should have gotten him used to his crib sooner. Just something I wasn't on top of when I had two other...

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I'm one step away

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
from a completely and total breakdown.u...

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I'm lame.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 10 April 2009 0 komentar
Worst blogger ever. A few bullets.~ Thank you for answering the poll a few down. I got so many answers, I'm going to have to take the time to digest it, but I will return to it.~ Scary times for Jenn. Few day old miss Caiden had what Jenn thought were seizures. Lots of tests later, things look fine. They should be released from hospital today.~ Work is awesome. I had to take some time off (exchanged...

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Work Rules. And my Socks

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 08 April 2009 0 komentar
(Work has been awesome. Some funny things have happened and some shit has happened too, but I'll tell you those al soon. Right now, I must do my Sock-It-To-Me post, which started this weeks and I don't want to be late.First off, I signed up with kym for the sock exchange and this is the week we are supposed to show off our socks. I got my socks from a brand new (to me) blogger, which is extra cool...

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Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 05 April 2009 0 komentar
12 weeks off of work and I'm heading back in the morning. I can't tell you how excited I am! I get to get up first thing in the morning, head to work, stop off for my lovely daily coffee and go to my little place at work - my own cube. It's not much living in cube world, but I honestly love it.I'm starting a new job as of tomorrow too. Well, I'll probably get the week to ease back into things, plus,...

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National Cleavage Day.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 03 April 2009 0 komentar
Heh. Heather mentioned it's National Cleavage Day today. Per wikipedia, which I have linked to, it's actually a real day. Maybe not my Nation's holiday, but it's official in South Africa. So... In the name of goodwill towards my fellow South Africans, I'll post my post baby cleavage for all the nice girls out there who read this blog and also for all the freaks who will get to this page inadvertantly....

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A few questions ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I know my readership has probably changed quite a bit in the last year. Due to this, I want to know what would be the best topics to continue to discuss. I've still got a lot of fiery topics in my head about infertility, pregnancy, and general topics. But if my readers are really all of one type or another, I want to focus on what would be the best for me to type about.So if you could please, answer...

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Welcome to the world Caiden!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Jenn brought little miss Caiden Lily into the world at 4:05am ET weighing in at 7lbs 13ozs.Congratulations to Jenn and her Husband and a big welcome to the little girl with a full head of dark hair (I saw a picture - she's freaking adorable!) that is sure to steal their hearts. In fact, I'm sure she already h...

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A few exciting points ...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 April 2009 0 komentar
(note - the first few bullets are pregnancy related, so just letting you know before hand)~ Jenn is in labor RIGHT NOW. And she took my advice and pre-set up the ability to text message her blog, so she's doing the live-while-laboring blogging too. I am ~so excited~ for Caiden's big entrance in the world. She's 39w5d so it's perfect timing. Go over and watch for her updates!~ You all know I have...

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