Pooping while pushing out a baby.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 30 November 2008 0 komentar
I recently talked about this subject on my "home" pregnancy message board, but thought it was interesting enough to bring it to my blog too.When I was pregnant with my first, pooping while pushing was an unknown to me. I never read that chapter in my "what to expect" book. My Lamaze teacher also didn't mention it. But apparently, it's a common thing to happen. My thoughts are - if it's so damned common,...

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 29 November 2008 0 komentar
Two quickies to add to my last post ...1. Updated the family photo album, which you can click on from my other blog.2. When you click over to my other blog, the post underneath the "new pictures" post was quite a doozy about infertility and my pregnancy. It may be a little too brash, hence why I didn't post it here, but after reading it a few days after I wrote it, I think it's a good post because...

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Odds and Ends and Presents (Oh My!)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Bunches and bunches of stuff to say, in no particular order.~ Upon returning home, we were met with packages galore sitting on our front porch awaiting our arrival. One of the packages caught my eye immediately, as it was from Australia! Oh yes, a package from the (in)famous Miss Topcat herself. First off, I was a little giddy because I think she's one of the cool kids, so getting something from her...

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This is not a witty title.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 November 2008 0 komentar
I have always hated giving titles to things. It was the worst part of English class - naming my papers. I tried to give my papers the title of "Title" multiple times, but I always got marked off. ~shrug~. My teachers had zero sense of humor.Thanks for everyone who gave good thoughts/wishes for my father, that was really super nice of each and every one of you. What a day to give thanks, eh? I just...

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He's out of surgery

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 26 November 2008 0 komentar
Thanks for all the well wishes, I ~really~ appreciate it.My dad is out of surgery after 6 hours in. The surgery went exactly as according to plan, except they weren't able to bypass 2 veins with one bypass, so he ended up with a quadruple bypass.He's recovering now in ICU and will spend at least another day there. Then they will move him to his own room. My mom said his color was good and he looked...

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Could I get some good thoughts here please? (updated)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 25 November 2008 0 komentar
Just heard my father is going to have a triple bypass in the morning. Weird. He's perfect weight, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. He excercises. Still, 4 arteries are blocked. Ugh.He's 72 years old and I'm worried.update: It's a triple bypass with 4 clogged arties because 2 of the arteries will be bypassed with one "new" vein. Hence the "triple" and not "quadrupl...

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Just a whole bunch of niceness.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 24 November 2008 0 komentar
I have a subject brewing in my head which I'll be posting about soon, but for today, I thought I'd just make a big ~nice~ post, pretty much thanking a bunch of people for being awesome.Just when I thought no one liked me, I received a bunch of awards and even a few presents in the mail! So I wanted to take the time to thank everyone here.Presents!First, we have this cute little number which I received...

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NFL uniforms are ~not~ "cute".

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 23 November 2008 0 komentar
I married my opposite. I never liked sports. I'm into punk rock, tattoos and roller derby. But the guy I fell in love with listened to hip hop and loved all sports. So I married into the red sox nation and now I like all things new england. I genuinely ~love~ baseball now, but as for the other sports? I can't really call myself a "fan". At least not a true fan.So today, we're watching about 8 different...

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How clean is your water?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 22 November 2008 0 komentar
I just took such a nice bath. My back was hurting so I asked my hubby to draw me a bath and he did such a good job! He put in lavender bubbles, brought in clean towels, set a brand new magazine on the side, brought in my radio from my shower and even gave me a nice cold glass of orange juice. I mean really. How awesome can he be? All that from "honey, can you make me a bath? My back hurts and I want...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I've updated the family website, which many of you just simply won't be interested in because it's what it is. But if you want to peek at it, go here. Just follow the link to the "photo album" (By the way, they are ~not~ just a bunch of pictures. Instead, it's a hand picked selection of my favorites over each month complete with captions. I like this better than when people just link to their entire...

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What bugs you?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
What very normal things does your close family/friends do that just drives you crazy? And I'm not talking your normal "pet peeves" here that would probably bother just about anyone. I'm talking about the thing someone does that would ~not~ bother anyone else, but to you, it'll drive you absolutely up the wall?For me it is the way my husband eats everything in twos. I don't think it's possible for...

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That was fun, but now I'm bored.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 21 November 2008 0 komentar
I need something new to talk about because although funny, it gets old quick. In my two years of blogging, I've had my share of whackadoos and people who don't like me. I usually just ignore it, but every now and again, I love to point out how ridiculous someone is. And as chicklet pointed out, it's also ridiculous of me to indulge in it too, but it was just too funny for me to ignore sometimes. Usually,...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
updated: sorry if your feeds/readers got this as a "new" post. I had to update something mid-way through, marked with an asterisk.---Isn't it funny how 100 people can read the same thing and ~1~ person takes it completely and totally out of context? heh.~ when I was explaining the "boards" - I was explaining them from MY perspective and how I felt. When I said "officially bitter", I meant ME. Apparently...

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How many babies should you make at once?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 20 November 2008 0 komentar
There have been quite a few ETs this week and lots of personal rationalizations for the question "how many to transfer?" floating around. And it brought up my own thoughts about it and how crazy my own transfer was.As any reader of mine knows, I'm ~very~ against transferring more embryos / IUI with more follicles than you are willing to carry. I am personally against using selective reduction to "reduce"...

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Message boards.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I first got into this whole infertility/pregnant/parenting community back when I was ttc#1 back in 2002. Since them, I've been fortunate enough to run through the whole gamut almost 3 complete times. Before I blogged, I was solely on the boards all the time. I still "know" many women from all of my go arounds, sometimes being surprised that we actually met on the boards and in not some other fashion.I...

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Posted by Unknown Rabu, 19 November 2008 0 komentar
It seems that I've already written this before, so if I have, please excuse the repeat. But I'm in pain. And when I'm in pain, I like to complain.My back hurts. I went to doctor today and he wouldn't touch it because it was way to much in spasm still, 3 days later. Awesome.My shoulder is hurting now because it's compensating for my sore back. Yay.And in baby news, ultrasound #17 showed this baby is...

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Thanks everyone ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
... for telling me your experiences which are all so very personal and painful. As I read through each of your comments, I felt myself nodding in agreement at everyone's points. I definitely see the differences in early/chemical pregnancies and a m/c which is after fetal tissue has already formed. And there is also a difference between a stillbirth.It was interesting to see the difference in the...

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Question about Miscarriage.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 18 November 2008 0 komentar
I am ~not~ experienced in this topic, so let me start off by asking for a bit of leniency if I say anything wrong. I'm just curious on some aspects of miscarriage (particularly early m/c) and I am going to just ask them.I think I had a chemical pregnancy one time. If you look at my chart page here and look at "C11, IUI #2" which started on August 19, 2007, you'll see the cycle I'm talking about....

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Welcome to the World.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My ttc buddy, Katie, gave birth to a beautiful little boy this morning. She hasn't blogged yet and I'll leave all the details for her to give, but in short ...Cullen arrrived at 11:26am and weighed in at 7lbs, 10 ozs.Welcome to the world baby boy! And Congratulations Katie and Thomas...

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Uh-oh. I'm schnarky.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 17 November 2008 0 komentar
My tummy hurts, I'm tired and schnarky. I'm even a little jealous. And I'm going to post about it. This could turn ugly.With all of this pregnancy after infertility talk and other conversations that went along with it, I started thinking about things that annoyed me when I was ttc and things that still annoy me. Here's a list of my annoyances right now, which ended up morphing into even more.~ The...

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How true is this?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I took a little quiz that Amy has on her blog. It's a simple quiz, 2 questions w/ 3 possible answers each, and it tells you what Female Icon you are.For me, I'm a Bette.The link will bring you to my results page, but here are a few highlights ...How to Get Along with Me* Stand up for yourself... and me. (so true!)* Be confident, strong, and direct. (yes, timidness and weakness puts me off)* I often...

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Did I say I wasn't smart?

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 16 November 2008 0 komentar
Why yes, yes I did.I still want my last post to stand, as I really want the second half of my post to continue to be read by anyone checking in on my blog from the weekend. (I love my outrageous analogies.) But I do have a few updates to tell the world.The first is about how I continued to be not smart this weekend. Oh. My. God. So dumb. So I was getting a fucking fantabulous massage. Simply wonderful....

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