15 Boko Haram terrorists killed in Damboa

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

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 A release issued by Captain Aliyu Ibrahim Danja of the 7 Division Army Public Relations , Nigerian Army Maiduguri on 5 th October 2013 states"Not less than 15 Boko Haram terrorists were killed in the early hours of today when troops of 21 Brigade under 7 Division encountered Boko Hsram terrorists in Damboa Local Government Area of Borno State".

"The terrorists whose strength is unknown sneaked into the town at about 4:30 am, attacked worshippers in a mosque and killed 5 of them who came to say their morning prayers. They also set ablaze the Hakimi of Damboas Palacr, his house and some shops. While they were unleashing their mayhem, troops under 7 Dividion engsged the terrorists killing 15 in the process while others fled in disarrsy. Efforts are on to trade and destroy the fleeing terrorists. "

"Items recovered from the fleeing terrorists include:1 Rocjet propellef grenade tube, 2 Rocket prooelled grensde bombs,, 5 Ak 47 rifles .A pickup vehicle and Assortef Ammunition. "

The General Officer Commanding 7 Division Nigerian Army wish tobthank the general public for tgeir resillience and effort by providing timely and useful information to security agencies and urged them to be security conscious by reporting any movement of unknown person/persons within their localities to the nearest army or security agencies locations. He also reassured the good people of Borno State of 7 Divisions commitment towsrds bringing Boko Haram menace to an end".

The release wss signed by A I Danja for General Officer Commanding.

Judul: 15 Boko Haram terrorists killed in Damboa
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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