Jumper kills 5-year old girl in South Korea

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013 0 komentar

Jumper kills 5-year old: A man jumped from the 11th floor of a building, committing suicide. But he also killed a 5-year girl walking by on the sidewalk.

Japanese ferry Hamayuu sails through the port in Busan, south of Seoul, South Korea. A man committed suicide by jumping from a building in Busan, and in the process the jumper killed a 5 year-old girl. 


Seoul, South Korea
 outh Korean police say a suicidal man jumping to his death killed a 5-year-old girl by falling on her as she walked with her parents outside the apartment building.
A police official said the 39-year-old man died immediately after he jumped Wednesday from the 11th floor of the building in the southeastern port city of Busan. The girl died later from brain damage and broken bones.
The official who spoke Friday declined to be named because the case is still under investigation.
The official says it's unclear why the man jumped. He says witnesses saw the man jumping but there was no suicide note.
Judul: Jumper kills 5-year old girl in South Korea
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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