Rest in Peace Ryan.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 20 Juni 2011 0 komentar
You were my favorite jackass. Of course the world would take you first although all of you tempted fate. (not that i wanted someone else to go first).i will mis you ry...

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The "I'm a jackass" hand wave.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 13 Juni 2011 0 komentar
We have all had moments of being a jackass driver. We may accidentally cut someone off. Sometimes we try to change lanes without looking first and almost side swipe someone. Maybe we brake too hard when a turn comes sooner than we first expected, making the car behind us have to slam on their brakes. Of course, if you aren't a ridiculously stupid driver, these moments are far and few between of one...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 09 Juni 2011 0 komentar
Let me preface this that I'm not a howard hughes type of non functioning germ aphobics. But I do have my fair share of things that flip me out.In no particular order...1. using a public telephone. Who knows what kind of spittle came out on the receiver?2. Elevator buttons. I mean, how often to you see someone clean them? And the tens of thoughsands of people who touch them each day.3. Using smoeone...

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And the survey says ...

Posted by Unknown Senin, 06 Juni 2011 0 komentar
It was a trick question, they all happened to me in the last month. I can't believe so many of you quessed it right!! Heh. And I thought I was being all sneaky too! You guys know me too we...

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suck my jolly rancher.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 03 Juni 2011 0 komentar
Mmmmmm. Jolly ranchers. The guy who site next to me at work has a huge fishbowl full of them. And it made me realize I have no will power when it comes to free candy.I want to conduct a little poll. Please give your answer in the comments...What craptastic event in the following list has ~not~ happened to me in the past month or so?A. I developed a case of infantigo, most common in children, or folliculitis...

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