It's apparently Drive Like a Moron Day.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 Desember 2011 0 komentar
I didn't get the me...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
It's so quiet here at work today.I have things to do, but I'm going to take a chunk of my time to redo my google reader. I have all of the blogs you girls gave me, so I'm going to simply delete my 200+ list I had before and replace it with yours. Then I'm going to actually READ them! Yay! I'm so excited to hear what's new with your girls. I won't be able to really read any backstories, so please excuse...

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Worst snowboarding collision I have ever sustained.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 26 Desember 2011 0 komentar
I took the girls skiing and after some runs with them, left them w/ grandpa and dad to go run some on my own. Balls out on double black diamonds. I rocked it. Switched with the boys and took the girls while they ran some run. We all reunite and take a few more runs down on the easiest of greens. I'm circling allie as she makes it down and I'm a little ...ahead of her when a little kid, out of nowhere,...

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Surgery #23

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 13 Desember 2011 0 komentar
(first off, thanks for giving me the links to your blogs. I'm going to get them in my reader and start reading!)It may not be #23 if some other wacky thing happens to me before then, but I know this surgery is in the future for me.Long story much shorter in easy to read bullets ...~ A few months ago, I suddenly got this feeling in my right ear. It felt like it was a bug. Horrible. Doc checked, no...

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The Favor ... (Sticky Post - new ones below!)

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Desember 2011 0 komentar
(there is a new blog entry under this sticky note!)I'm going to "sticky" this note here for a little while, hoping to get more comments over a bit of time ...If you don't want to read me explain ad nauseam about the whys of my favor, just skip to the bottom.Here it goes. After many empty declarations on my part to start reading blogs again, I have failed to do it. WHY? It's because of the one thing...

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Bloggemies and Faking It:

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
How to seem like a better person without actually improving yourself.The above is the book I picked up yesterday when I was out xmas shopping. It cracked me up so hard that it only took a matter of a second before i determined it to be mine.A lame thing about slowing down to sloth speed in blogging efforts? You no longer have haters. I always knew I was blogging often enough when I had bloggemies....

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