whoa dude. not cool coincidences.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 28 November 2011 0 komentar
Last week here in town, a woman's body was found burning at a local trail head. It was found out to be an 87 year old local woman. She wasn't your typical 87 yr old granny. She was still very active and enjoyed things like facebook, which she was on a lot.Anywho, it seems it was a burglary gone awry. (well, i guess her death may have been planned, i have no idea yet.) It looks like a random burglary...

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(In)Fertility statistics.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 27 November 2011 0 komentar
I was watching GWLBWLB tonight and I heard one girl say "25% of couples will get pregnant on their first try".And after rolling my eyes, I tried to access my infertility stats section of my memory vault and realized that someone had broken in and stole everything of value.There are a TON of general and very detailed statistics out there regarding fertility and infertility. Help me out and comment...

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i like big butts and i cannot lie

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 16 November 2011 0 komentar
and I know you other brothers can't deny.quick blog post here. I'm on a vinyl kick and running through my collections. It's not a ~huge~ selection, but let's say is isn't a tiny bit either. I have a couple of hundred records - lp and 7".My comment today is - there isn't really any great vinyl selection here in my town. It used to be stinkweeks and eastside records, but not anymore. (heh - I still...

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11 years old. Whoa. And have you seen francis bean?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 November 2011 0 komentar
I've been playing some really old music lately, delving into a lot of things I grew up listening to. The violent femmes, as you can tell from my last post, is one of those bands. I was at a stop light, looking at the cd itself. And then I saw it. 1983. Holy shit. I was ELEVEN. That's a long time ago for me, I'm not a spring chicken. Although I didn't listen to them until I was 14. I distinctly remember...

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