Hello Internets!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 Juli 2009 0 komentar
I hate the word "internets". Yet I used it in my title. And a little thing about me is I never ever edit what I've written. Hell, I rarely proof read. I betcha couldn't tell over the years, eh?Well, my best friend was here and ~whew~. I'm exhausted. Hauling around 3 of my children around the state acting as tour guide is hard! BUT ... totally worth it. I wouldn't change anyday.*Friday*They came into...

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I'm here! I'm here!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 Juli 2009 0 komentar
My best friend has been in town and just left a few minutes ago. I need some time to chill and I'll come back and tell you all about my few days.Just letting you know I'm alive! :) :)...

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I was fine.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 23 Juli 2009 0 komentar
I just went into the office to turn in my laptop and to clean out my pc's file. As I started deleting my email files, from, oh, 1997, I started sobbing.A few friends of mine, d & l, sat with me even though I was a mess. Good boys.When it was time to leave, I made no grand exit. No big email saying goodbye. When people wanted to walk out with me, I politely refused, asking if I could just walk...

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"The IF line stare" ... and a question for you.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 21 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Our girl soapchick (may be private blog, i'm not sure) is 6dp3dt transfer today and I was just typing to her about poas. (which my comment is translating into a post, so excuse the repeats if you happened to read my comment there.) (I speak parenthetical too much. (but i'm a programmer and it's my nature (so nested comments are normal to me)) I know.)Which brought up so many memories and most of all,...

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I guest posted.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 19 Juli 2009 0 komentar
I meant to put this up yesterday, but I was a guest poster over at Jen's, Tale of Two Coins blog.I decided to do a fashion list. Yes. ME. h...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 17 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Blogspot sure has some fun word verifications. I generally hate them with a passion, but once in a while you have to fill one out that just makes you laugh. This is the word verification I just got on the beautiful Io's blog, Who Shot My Sto...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 16 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Doesn't a post entitled "ammunition" seem like it's going to get down and dirty and schnarky? heh. I simply didn't want to say "bullets" again for this type of fill-me-in post.So. The shit in my life has taken over. I'm not actually too busy to blog, I'm just too lazy and depressed to blog. And then I get too far behind and I think of all the wonderful people (you) who are keeping tabs on me, which...

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Eight Years.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 14 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Today is my 8 year wedding anniversary. Leaving in a few to go see DCFC at red rocks. A friend of mine is close with the band and got me on the guest list, so what's better than a ~free~ show? Especially when I am jobless.Have a good night everyone. If you haven't read the comments from the last post, do it. It's fucking hilario...

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It's our first time... I want all of you inside me.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 13 Juli 2009 0 komentar
After our date you walk me to my door... I don't want you to go and you can tell. You offer to make sure I get inside safely and I oblige... Before the door is even shut, we're kissing deeply. I can feel your hands all over my body and your tongue feels so good on my neck, climbing up to my cute lil ear lobe.Tonight, I want you to have me. I want to feel your throbbing cock slip deep inside my tight...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 10 Juli 2009 0 komentar
1. What is your favorite curse word?2. What is your least favori...

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At least it got me laughing.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 09 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Your commments on my last post were about the funniest comments ~ever~. About 95% of you used "fuck" in some form. That's AWESOME.I got orders for blood tests. But the virus takes up to 6 weeks to show, so if I go in now, I still have to get a second test done. I'm wondering why I should go get a first one if I still have to get a second.This just can't be happening. But, I'll get through it, regardless...

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Posted by Unknown Rabu, 08 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Article in paper today about this surgical tech knowingly infecting people with hepatitis C. She's been arrested and they are notifying all the patients who got surgery during her time there.I just got my lett...

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Why, hello there.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This whole job loss thing has really gotten to me. I haven't been doing much of anything, which includes blogging. And my to-read list in reader has gotten me overwhelmed. So I've got a plan.~ I received an email from our Sarah (Saraphim from "oh, the possibilities!") whom is dealing with her father in the hospital, prepping for open heart surgery on Monday. She asked me to take over her list on Lost...

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it's just so damned irritating.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Sitting here in my living room, windows open to feel the cool colorado night breeze, I am forced to listen to the constant bang of fireworks.Awesome.Why oh why do people feel it necessary to light them off days before the 4th of july? Even if I didn't have kids sleeping, I'm still irritated having to listen to it. And of course, they wait until it's completely dark, which is around 9pm, to set them...

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